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Some people believe in soul mates,

and think that people meet by fate.

Or maybe that's what people like to be thinking.

but I like to think, that we all have a song we keep singing.

And maybe someone likes our little tune,

they bright up our lives, like the night sky and the moon.

But what happens if no one ever hears our song?

will we have to keep searching for lifelong?

This whole idea is probably all wrong.

So there isn't any song to sing,

and this is all a stupid thing.

But maybe, just maybe,

if there were songs, our songs are a duet,

and we haven't found the second part of it yet.


*Please don't read the author's note if you don't feel like reading it or don't care to know about some random and insignificant shit.

I thought that poem was really cute. I don't actually believe that, though maybe one day I might. I like how it relates to music because I love music! I like music but I can't play an instrument. I used to play the violin until my teacher fired/quit teaching me ): . Sorry I'm just saying random stuff. Hoped you like that poem! I also really like the picture from Pinterest today! Maybe someday in the future I will tell you guys my Pinterest account so you can see where all the pictures come from. 

Read Onyx, Commie, TifffyFloof and Bly's stories they are really good! Also I forgot to mention that I won the cover contest even if I think Minty should've won. Sorry this author's note thing is like a giant paragraph and is so long! 

While I am on the topic of art/drawings if you are interested in seeing my Laketober art I will show you it if you care to see it. In case you forgot, Laketober is an event thing from the people of Rusty Lake who made a couple of game series all in the same world-thing. You should play their games if you like puzzles, mysteries, sinister plots, riddles and discovering clues and piecing together the truth and things about the fictional world called rusty lake. 

Remember criticism and suggestions are welcomed! (please do tell me some criticism so I can improve my poems and writing) Also I'd like to say hello to Alma and Esme and hope you guys are doing well right now. And Thank you to Nuggie, Potat/chip and Commie. If you have any poem requests or drawing ideas please tell me and feel free to talk to me about poems and other stories. Sorry this is like a whole essay, I will wrap this long thing shortly. 

Thanks for anyone who reads this it means a lot to me to know that someone out there cares or likes something hat I enjoy doing. Hope you all have a nice day! I should sleep soon, so Goodbye for now!


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