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The poster is from the same ID as I mentioned in the previous chapter. I like all the edits there. You should check it out. It's on Instagram (kdramaa_club)

You guys convince me to update even when I'm busy. It really means a lot to me. Thank you so much.

Chapter 10: Unexpected

Annika's POV

I picked up the call immediately thinking to change the ringtone.

"Hey." Ryan's voice came from the other side as my heart started jumping.

"Hi. Uh..morning!" I greeted and felt weird for being such a geek. Why?

"Morning. Are you ill or what? Is this because of yesterday?" He was worried that I stopped being the same with him because of what he shared yesterday.

"What? No. No, not at all. I have some cleaning stuff to do today." I assured him.

"Oh. I thought you...." he sighed leaving the sentence in the middle. I got up from the couch and headed to the balcony.

"Ryan, I am not going to judge you by your past. Especially on the basis of what you shared yesterday. Cause I know it's not complete. I'm not going to decide things on the basis of half knowledge. And I believe you. I know you had your reasons." I didn't like it. I don't know what it is, but he's blaming himself a lot for it and that probably is not something he should do.

"I have to go now. I'm gonna be late otherwise. Tomorrow then?" he wanted some time and I completely understood it.

"Yeah. Um..bye!" I said and nodded. As if he could see.

"Hmm." he hung up.

Did he really think I would be different after knowing his past? That's literally the last thing I would do. Kaira stood there looking at me.

"You shouldn't. He deserves you. Not this." she said moving her hands. Referring to my thoughts of pushing him away. I know it's wrong but sometimes you have to do it.

"He deserves better." I said as she shook her head. I smiled and went in to start the work.


"I don't think you are right this time. It's wrong." We were lying on the couch exhausted. Kiara has been lying here since an hour while I wrapped up everything.

"I thought you're tired." I said raising an eyebrow.

"Annika you're not understanding. I wouldn't be doing this if you didn't like him. You like him and we both know that. You can't keep ignoring the reality." she explained trying her best. All the cleaning stuff gave me time to think. Being insecure about liking someone is something I would refer to as stupid, unless it's me doing it. I didn't want to push Ryan. He was strangely comfortable.

But I'm afraid of hurting him. But so was he and I told him it's not so. I'm so confused. I turned over and looked at Kaira. "Should I text him?" She looked at me in disbelief, with her eyes wide. She started nodding and didn't stop for few seconds.

"Fine. Fine. Stop that now." I said as I brought my phone. She sat beside me as I opened messages.

Hey! How was college? Did I miss out anything big?

I looked at her before hitting send. She gave my thumbs up, so I did. I got up and placed it on the table as Kaira stared at me. "I need to bathe. And so do you." She got up scowling and went to her room. I looked around and went to my room.

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