Bad Side

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Did you guys see the MV of Golden?I skipped my heartbeat when I saw.
Chapter 17: Bad Side

Annika's POV

I went straight to the Central Mall. Gin said she had to do some shopping and Kaira promised to join us. I feel like I'm the only free one.

I made a beeline to the food court after reaching the mall, knowing very well where I'll find my girls. G was leaning on a wall while eating a burger. She waved at me to grab my attention.

"Where's Kaira?" I asked as I approached her.

"Is something wrong?" Gin asked looking at my face. I shook my head.

"I'm alright. Eat." I said as I called Kaira. I hate how I'm transparent infront of them. Gin understood and didn't ask me any further questions.

Kaira picked up after five rings.

"Babe I'm so sorry. I'm on my way. Just 15 minutes." She said as I heard someone shout.

"Get your ass away from here. You're blocking the fucking road." Kaira screamed. I laughed at her temper.

"It's fine. Eyes on road now. Bye." I hung up and looked around to find Gin with two ice creams in her hand. She offered me one and I accepted it with gratitude.

Kaira came after almost half n hour. We kept trying outfits for hours and found really few which we actually liked.

I could bet the salesgirl found us chaotic. We were a group with diverse tastes. As much as we loved each others fashion, we would never like to exchange them. Like I liked Kaira's and Gin's outfit on them. But I would never wear them.

It was 8 and we were back at the the food court. I spilled everything that happened today. I knew he would get onto their bad side but I was hoping otherwise.

"He was pissed at something else. He shouldn't have took it out on you." Kaira said slurping her coffee. Odd time. Not for us tho.

"But they're the chemicals and hormones that are present inside him. It was not him you know." As much as I was irritated by his act, I didn't want them to think of Ryan negatively.

"Nope. I do not think so." Kaira repeated.

"Yeah, like if such a thing happened in any book, you would be pissed at the character." G added. Thanks G.

"But again, no one's perfect." Kaira concluded as G nodded.

"Are you both with him or against him?" I asked, confused.

"We're neutral." Both of them shrugged together. I scoffed at their comment.

"He talked to me as if I was one who made him angry. But it isn't so. How can you say he's not wrong?" I asked, waving my hands in air, disturbed by their answers.

"No. You're right. It was his fault. One should never take out his/her anger on an innocent person." Gin said and looked at me.

"What are you saying? It was the chemicals. Not him." I replied as I looked down at my hands. Why am I supporting him? It was his fault, no matter what.

Kaira and Gin laughed before Kaira spoke again, "Listen, you know what's right and what's wrong. Do what you think is right." I nodded.

My phone buzzed. A text message from Ryan. I'm not going to reply.

Treat people with kindness.

Not him tho.

I picked the phone and opened his texts. I'll hear out what he has to say.

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