Yuri X Male reader- Betrayal

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"How are u going to solve this Yuri? It's been going on for a few weeks already. The public's now going crazy about the relationship rumour between u and Hyeongjun already." U said with a frustrated tone while walking around in Yuri's room.
"Oppa, can't u just let it go on? So what if the public thinks that I'm dating him? U know the only person I love is you." The girl replied making u shake your head in disbelief.
"Yuri.... I'm your boyfriend. How would u feel if rumours of me dating another girl got to you. How would u feel?" U asked.
"Are u crazy?! There's no way I would let u go to another girl! I would- i can't even think about it." She replied.
"That's how I feel now Yuri. Right now they're thinking that I'm not your boyfriend but- sigh"
Yuri then walked towards u and raised your head.
"Oppa, why don't we just tell the agency about our relationship? That way this matter will be solved already."
U shaked your head.
"I can't do that. Your career with Iz*one is doing so well right now. Imagine your fans knowing that you're dating some nobody like me, they would be furious."
Of course no one except the Iz*One members knew you and Yuri were dating.
It all started at their concert when u both suddenly made eye contact during their "Really like you" performance.
There was this feeling that u both couldn't shake off after that contact and after the concert u were surprised when u were invited backstage to talk to the girl herself which was how love between u both blossomed from there.
But recently, delusional fans have been making things up between Iz*one and X1 just because they were formed from the Produce series even calling them "A match made in heaven".
It shocked u and Yuri at first when u both heard the news but there was nothing u could do about it.
If the agency knew about u both dating there was a high chance of Yuri getting kicked out of the group which could have meant her losing her dream of becoming a singer and u couldn't risk it.
"Oppa, you're not some nobody. You're the sweet, kind and caring boyfriend I love and treasure forever. Don't worry, I promise I'll settle this alright?" Yuri said while giving u a peck on the lips.
"I- alright.... just don't take too long alright?"
U said before the girl nodded.
One week later
"Just relax Y/N. It'll probably take a few more days..."
One week passed by but nothing good seemed to happen.
In fact it got even worse when Off the record entertainment said they wouldn't interfere with this since it would help with the popularity of Iz*one and X1.
The worse case was u spending lesser time with Yuri now since both groups started spending more time with each other to continue letting the fans be happy with their imaginations.
U were very angry about it but u couldn't even do anything about it other than receiving words of love from Yuri.
U felt useless at that point and even though the members tried to comfort you it still didn't help.
The hurt was already inflicted and nothing could fix it.
One week later
"Iz*One Yuri and X1 Hyeongjun confirmed to be dating as Off the record entertainment confirms the rumours. "We can confirm that both people in question are dating. Yuri and Hyeongjun have been-"
"No..... it can't be.... Why Yuri....."
U couldn't believe your own eyes, the one girl that u love so much was dating another guy.
Pictures of them kissing was all over the internet and the tv as well.
Worse was it didn't even look like Yuri was trying to resist the boy but rather she looked like she liked it.
And to add someone fuel to the fire, she had been going out for some "late night vocal training lessons".
"Y/N... it's not what it looks like. I can promise u Yuri isn't that kind of girl."
U looked behind to see Chaeyeon staring at u in worry.
"She was forced to do this. To let our fans be happy about their own delusions."
"I-I can't take this anymore Chaeyeon.... what am I supposed to do...." U said with a hurt tone.
"I... I'm sure u guys can talk about it and-"
"And what?! Listen to her saying she loves me again?!"
"One month.... it's been one month since this happened..." At this point tears flowed down your face as Chaeyeon walked towards u to hug you.
"I- I'm useless. I can't even do anything about this."
"No you're not Y/N.... please stop."
"Tell me... am I not rich?"
"She doesn't-"
"Am I not good looking enough?"
"Y/N u know that she-"
"Am I not worthy enough?"
"No of course-"
U shouted before finally bursting in tears as Chaeyeon couldn't help but shed a few tears of
sadness as well.
"Y/N please don't do this... it hurts to see u like this...."
Time passed as all of the members started coming back to their dorms.
Seeing u in a state of sadness, they couldn't help but be worried and sad for you as they comforted u.
But right at that moment u decided to make one painful decision.
It had to be done already or the hurt would just drag on.
"Hey girls.... I'm back."
Once again, it was her... the girl u love the most yet at the same time hurt u the most.
But there was a look of despair on her face as she suddenly looked at you and with tears flowing down her face she immediately ran to you and hugged you with the girls walking away to give some privacy.
"Oppa~ I'm so sorry..... I-I didn't mean to-"
"Stop. Yuri look at me." U said before she looked at you with tears still flowing down.
"Tell me very honestly, do u love me?"
"W-what are u talking about?! O-of course I love you."
U felt nothing from that sentence.
That spark from before was gone, u could tell Yuri wasn't speaking the truth without her knowing.
"Yuri, listen carefully. I-I'm breaking up with you." U said while trying to control your tears from falling.
"NO! I don't want to break up with you~ please Oppa..." Yuri begged while still crying in your arms.
U then raised her chin as u looked at her while your tears finally fell one by one.
"Yuri, the days we spent together is so precious to me. I've never regretted once confessing my love to u, I couldn't even imagine a day without you by my side. But u should know by now, our relationship has been rocky recently."
"I can also tell you're developing feelings for him aren't you? Answer me truthfully Yuri." U asked but all u saw was the girl u love so much looking away in shame.
Your heart started aching so much but u still had to hold it in.
"I see.... if u love him then there's no more point in continuing our one-sided relationship. Yuri, thank you for giving me a chance to love u and accepting me. But u should go to the one u really love now, I'll never forget the love we once had for each other. Good bye Yuri...."
U then walked towards the other members who also had tears flowing down their faces.
"Take care of her for me...." U said before leaving their dorm.

"Y/N wait!"
U stopped as Chaeyeon ran towards you.
"Are.... are u really leaving her?"
"I have to Chaeyeon. It's only gonna hurt more if I drag this further."
"Chaeyeon! Please.... stop it. Take care of her for me." U said before walking away in sadness as Chaeyeon started sobbing too.
She then walked back to their dorm to find Yuri still crying with the other members comforting her.
She felt horrible about this but there was nothing she could do about it.
"Y/N.... come back please~" Was all Yuri was saying.
She then suddenly burst out of the door to rush after you but u were gone from her sights.
"Chaeyeon untie! Where's Y/N!"
The older member could only keep quiet and look away as Yuri could only fall on the ground and continue crying.
"Y/N..... please.... I don't want u to go~ come back!!!!"
It was all done.
U left her world.
U were her everything.
But because of her mistake, she pushed the only guy she loved away from her and she felt horrible about it.
But she couldn't get u back anymore.

Alright first angst I did. It's kinda short but there will be a part 2 and maybe a part 3 too. Until next time!

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