Chapter 1

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Lightspark stared in horror as Mistleheart's body gushed with blood. She laid lifeless o-

n the stinking rocky surface of the Thunderpath, Lightspark choked with the stench of blood and the acrid smell of the path. Her jaw gaped wide, hoping to speak to Pinefrost who was standing besides her, his fur pricked up. Nothing came out of her mouth at the moment, just tears that watered in her amber eyes.

Choking with grief, Lightspark turned to face Pinefrost. "We need to help her!" she wailed, Lightspark stepped into the Thunderpath, ignoring the stench. She gripped Mistleheart's scruff and dragged her onto the grass, more blood poured from her. And by the time Lightspark reeled her to Pinefrost, blood covered her muzzle. "Mistleheart!" she wailed again.

"There's nothing we can do," Pinefrost murmured. "She's dead, Lightspark. For good."

Lightspark sputtered at first, she swallowed. "There must be something we can do." she mewed. "But, if I told Sunstar Mistleheart was going to the Moonpool, she would be furious. I think it's best we kept that a secret." Pinefrost just shrugged, together they hauled her back to the CloudClan camp.

When they had reached the camp, meows of horror rose. Cats poked their heads out of their dens, or stepped closer to get a better view. Sunstar and Mosspelt scrambled down the MeetingBoulder, Mosspelt's fur was spiked up, while Sunstar looked more calm.

Sunstar eyes widened when she saw the blood soaked body of Mistleheart's. "What happened?" she meowed at last.

"Mistleheart saw a SlopeClan warrior near the Thunderpath." Pinefrost lied. "I was the-

re at the time because of my visions—"

"And when Mistleheart was chasing it off the Thunderpath, a monster came."

Pinefrost stared at Lightspark for cutting him off, but Lightspark showed no emotions.

Goldentail burst out the warriors' den, her eyes wide with alarm. "No! Foxclaw I'm so sorry!" she pressed her muzzle on Mistleheart's body. "I promised to keep your kits safe, I—did a terrible job!" she wailed.

Murmurs rippled through the Clan, Pinefrost shifted uncomfortably. "I should be heading back home." he mewed. "My Clan may be wondering where I've gone." he stepped back.

Why can't he stay for at least the vigil? This is a cat he grew up with! Not some loner! Lightspark lapped Mistleheart's body, sorrow building inside her. She groomed her until she had fallen asleep besides her, cats had gathered around as well, sitting or laying for her vigil. Even Cedarpaw and Beechpaw came.

I'll miss you, Mistleheart, Lightspark whispered, I really do.


Lightspark felt some cat prodding her while she rested besides Mistleheart. It was Smokeleg, the gray tom growled. "Wake up! The elders are going to bury Mistleheart, also, Mosspelt wants you on dawn patrol."

Lightspark blinked, she shot up. Looking at the patrol sitting near the entrance of the gorse tunnel, Lightspark murmured her thanks to Smokeleg. Hunger growled at Lightspark, she stopped to eat a mouse quickly and then raced to meet the patrol. Riversplash, Duskfall, Lilyheart, Streamcloud and Cedarpaw. Riversplash who was leading the patrol nodded. They stepped outside.

It feels as if all this is going too fast, why did Mistleheart have to die? As Lightspark stepped into the forest, it felt as if this was something new. She felt as if she had never been here before, Lightspark missed Mistleheart very badly. Lost in her thoughts, Lightspark tripped on a few tangled roots of the oak trees, she fell down. Cedarpaw's head drooped, and Streamcloud blinked.

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