Chapter 11

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Lightspark peered through a clump of ferns. The night sky glowed brightly above her. She drank the scent in front of her, there was no sign of Quillflight. Lightspark panicked. What if his Clan found out about their meetings and banished him from coming? Or he told his Clan why he was leaving and they had shut him in for good? Her heart raced.

She tasted the air one more time and the scent of Quillflight touched her, along with another scent far off. In the distance she saw Quillflight padding down a slope, there was no one with him. Lightspark's fur bristled. Someone was following him!

Lightspark let her belly fur brush the grass under her. She padded stealthily as if she w-

as hunting prey. Her stomach grumbled and Lightspark remembered that she had not eaten.

Ignoring her bossy stomach. Lightspark padded warily out of the ferns she hid. Quillflight ears pricked up and he opened his mouth to speak, Lightspark swished her tail on the blown leaves under her.

"What is it?" He whispered, pressing close to the ground like Lightspark.

Tasting the air once more, she noticed the cat was hiding nearby. "Wait." she hissed.

Keeping close to the ground, Lightspark padded over to a large clump of heather. She curled her lips back and let out a yowl, the cat that was hiding let out a screech. Lightspark dug her claws into the victims shoulder. The cat rolled onto its back and Lightspark took the opportunity to slash its muzzle.

"Lightspark wait!" Yowled Quillflight, he scrambled to her. "Kestrelfur?"

Kestrelfur gasped, she scrambled onto her paws giving her pelt quick licks.

"Are you meeting this excuse for a cat?" she growled.

"What do you expect, you already know I'm leaving."

Kestrelfur narrowed her emerald green eyes. "I know." She murmured.

Lightspark felt a flush of jealousy at the tabby she-cat. She lapped her chest fur. "I need to tell Quillflight something." Kestrelfur looked up, clearly beginning to ask what. But Lightspark cutted her out. "That is none of your business."

The brown she-cat blinked. Under her breath she muttered, "I don't care anyways."

Quillflight blinked, pressing his gray-black muzzle on Kestrelfur's shoulder. "I need to speak with Lightspark. You head back to camp."

Kestrelfur began to object, then shrugged. Lightspark watched as she padded away, disappearing through the moor.

"Did your Clan agree on letting you go?"

Whipping around to face Quillflight. She nodded. "It's arranged. An elder, Crookednose, called me disloyal."

"Thunderheart called me disloyal," Spat Quillflight.

Lightspark noticed that the sun was rising now, and soon her Clanmates would awake. She mewed a good-bye at Quillflight and hopped on the stepping stones to her territory. Lightspark had catched a thrush on the way and ate it quickly, after, she heard scurrying of a shrew and saw it eating something in its hand. Keeping close to the ground, she leaped biting it swiftly over the neck. The shrew let out an alarming cry before its death and birds had flown away.

Mouse dung! Picking up the one thrush she dragged it to camp. Skirting over to the fresh-kill pile, she turned to face Brightpaw.

"Lightspark don't leave!" She begged.

"I made my choice," Lightspark mewed simply, she flicked her apprentice's ear with her tail.

Brightpaw whimpered. "Smokeleg is a good warrior. He'll teach better than I ever did." Lightspark put in.

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