Chapter 9

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"Sunstar! Sunstar!"

Riversplash burst through the camp entrance, his eyes were wide with fear. Sunstar and Mosspelt shot out from their dens. Cats emerged from theirs as well, they spoke in low tones. Berryheart limped onto the clearing, a crow call came a few moments later.

"A cat has died," He murmured.

Lightspark's stomach churned. Brightpaw had disappeared this morning and Light-

spark hoped it was not her. Icefrost's whiskers trembled with fear, she let out a yowl as if she wanted to run out the camp entrance to find her missing daughter. Talonclaw stood beside her, desperately trying to comfort her.

"Over here." Riversplash urged.

"Lightspark, Bramblenose, Streamcloud, and er—Mosspelt. Come with me."

Lightspark hopped onto her paws. Icefrost let out another yowl. Bingo raced over to Lightspark, her eyes were full of determination.

"I'm coming as well." she growled, Lightspark knew she could not object with her. The small plump she-cat padded behind the patrol. Lightspark's stomach clenched with fear. What would they find?

Riversplash padded down the slope. Skirting through the massive hills of snow. The snow had reached Lightspark's chest now, she knew this was not good. Sometimes Streamcloud would leap to get out of choking in the snow. Bingo lifted her head and used her strength to push through the snow. They managed to reach nearby where the CliffClan border is. Riversplash flicked his tail and they padded to a few bramble bushes.

There lay a limp body, the brown fur was full of flakes of snow. Lightspark lay out a gas-

p, that cat was Hollypool.

The former medicine cat was dead. At least that was what Lightspark thought. She saw the shallow breath she was taking. Sunstar padded over to her and licked her neck. Lightspark touched her nose to her fur, it was unbelieving cold. Hollypool was freezing to death!

Sunstar grabbed Hollypool by her scruff and dragged her underneath the brambles. Streamcloud began to pad over to Sunstar, her eyes shot wide when she saw Hollypool.

"Is she—"

"No." Sunstar growled. "She'll be fine. Help me carry her to camp."

Lightspark sank her teeth to Hollypool's scruff, the cold medicine cat let out a groan.

Lightspark swallowed, she couldn't die yet. They managed to haul her back to camp, despite the freezing cold. Once they got back, they hurried to the medicine cats' den. Fernleaf's eyes stretched wide when she saw Hollypool.

Before the Fernleaf could speak. Icefrost raced over to them. "Where is Brightpaw?" she

hissed. Lightspark's neck fur bristled, did she not realize the dying medicine cat?

Fernleaf pressed her muzzle into Hollypool's fur. "Don't die yet." she mumbled. "I'm not ready to work alone."

Hollypool turned to face her, all the effort made her tired. "Cats need to die, Fernleaf." she wheezed. "I was getting old anyways. You can do fine by yourself."

"No!" Fernleaf wailed. "Not yet!"

"StarClan called for me," Hollypool rasped. "You cannot do anything to stop that."

Fernleaf lay down beside her former mentor, her muzzle rested on her back. "I'll miss you." she mewed. Hollypool did not reply. Lightspark realised that she had stopped breathing. Fernleaf stood up.

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