Chapter 19

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Lightspark yowled with pain. She felt Creampaw's paw resting on her flank.

"Hold on Lightspark!" Creampaw hissed through gritted teeth. "It might hurt but it's

worth it!"

Pain is worth it? Or a few kits? She wanted to snap at her but another spasm shook her.

She looked at Quillflight who stood beside the entrance of the cave, his fur pricked up in all directions and his orange eyes were shocked.

"Stop standing there like a frightened mouse!" Creampaw snarled. "Go get a stick."

Quillflight stood there for a moment but then raced off. Lightspark gasped.

"There's a kit!" Creampaw yowled with delight. "Push harder!"

Lightspark nodded she did what she was told and soon a ginger kit slid out of her. The kit was curled, it's fur plastered onto her pelt. Creampaw's eyes grew wide with awe and grabbed the kit by its scruff, she brought it to Lightspark's stomach. Lightspark gazed at the kit, she could hardly see it breathing.

Panicking, Lightspark was unaware of Quillflight. "Next kit!" Creampaw yowled.

The next kit came out, a black and white one. Creampaw gripped the kit in her jaws a-

nd brought her to her stomach. "They're not breathing!" she blurted out as soon as the last spasm left her.

"They're not used to it yet, leave them suckle." Creampaw meowed.


She watched as the kits gripped firmly on her stomach. "They're beautiful." he gasped.

Lightspark let a purr rumble in her throat. She pressed her muzzle comfortable onto h-

is. "What will we name them?"

"The black and white one looks like a raven," he remarked gently.

"The ginger one can be named fox like my mother." Lightspark purred. "Ravenkit and


"We're keeping the Clan's traditions?" Quillflight mewed bluntly.

"Wouldn't it be weird if we didn't?"

Quillflight shrugged, his ears twitched.

Lightspark nuzzled the two wet bundled. They mewed angrily trying to nurse. Light-

spark yawned, drifting off to sleep.

"Over here!" Foxkit bounced onto a pile of leaves, her golden ginger fur glowing in the

dim sunlight that reached the cave entrance. Foxkit let out a yowl of happiness. Her fox-like tail flicked from side to side as she turned back racing to Lightspark who rested on the mossy bedding.

Foxkit spat out a green leaf down to Lightspark. "It's so pretty!" she chirped.

Ravenkit let out a shiver, his eyes still closed. "When will he open his eyes?" Foxkit gru-


"When he wants too." Lightspark replied calmly. "He's not ready."

Foxkit's ears twitched impatiently, she prodded her brother sharply.

"Ouch!" Ravenkit yelped, he sat up on his haunches.

Kits! Lightspark thought fondly, who knew I would get this way?

A broad shape appeared from the entrance of the cave. A bird in its jaws. Quillflight!

Foxkit raced over to the entrance, her fox-like tail bushed out. Ravenkit lifted his head weakly. "Who's there?" the black and white kit asked.

"Quillflight," Foxkit replied eagerly. She climbed onto Quillflight's back with her tiny cl-


"Hey!" Quillflight purred, bouncing around as Foxkit struggled to keep hold on him.

When her mate had finished playing with Foxkit, he brought a pigeon he caught over t-

o her. Lightspark looked at the fat pigeon, she ate as much as she could. Lightspark swallowed.

"How's Ravenkit?" Quillflight whispered into her ear.

Lightspark's shoulder fur lifted. "He's fine!" Lightspark snapped.

Quillflight's eyes glowed with alarm. "Sorry," he muttered. "He hasn't opened his eyes y-


"Each kit takes their time." Lightspark growled.

Her gaze fixed on Ravenkit who bounced alongside Foxkit. Foxkit leapt from side to

side, watching as Ravenkit swung his head trying to picture where his sister went. Lightspark sighed. Surely he'll open his eyes? StarClan help him!

Foxkit crouched down on a pile on leaves. Her tail that was tipped with white like a fox stuck out. Ravenkit who had now opened his eyes padded to her, tripping clumsy on his small paws. Ravenkit's green eyes were blurry, with horror Lightspark realized that he was blind. How could I notice now? Another blind cat? She spat in her mind. How could StarClan do this?

Ravenkit stopped on his tracks and swished his small black head to face Lightspark. "Y-

ou noticed," he whimpered, "will you kill me now?"

"Of course not!" Lightspark hissed. "I love you the way you are."

Foxkit flicked a bit of crumbled leaf off her ears, her eyes wide. "Ravenkit is blind! How can he ever see? Hunt? Or will he just not be able to?"

Lightspark shot Foxkit a angry look, her amber eyes grew warm when they reached Ra-

venkit. "It's true." Ravenkit wailed.

Lightspark lapped Ravenkit behind his ears. "Don't listen to her." A soft mew rumbled,

Quillflight sat beside Lightspark. "You don't need eyes to hunt. You need your ears and whiskers."

Ravenkit seemed to brighten up. He leapt onto his stubby black and white paws.

"Come here Foxkit!" Ravenkit yowled, he raced after her. Lightspark saw his ears and w-

hiskers twitched as he ran. Those are his eyes, She thought bravely. Foxkit let out a yelp and scrambled to a halt. Unaware of Foxkit stopping, Ravenkit stumbled onto his muzzle hitting Foxkit's face with his flailing hind-legs.

"Ouch!" Foxkit yelped.

"Ouch me!" Ravenkit grumbled.

Lightspark gazed glowed. She loved her kits very much. Surely they'd stay with her for-

ever? Living in this cool cave? Yes, of course I won't let no one take them. . .

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