I got out of the car. "Be good, sweetie!" she said in a raspy voice. She was sick.
"I will!" I said, walking into the school. A different group of kids was also walking in. They were all around the same height. I thought, 'hey i could use some friends' and ran up to them.
"Hey!" I yelled. they looked back at me. "I'm the new kid. Alex. Alexander Hamilton. There's a million things I haven't done, but just you wait! Who are you guys?" I asked.
"I'm John Laurens in the place to be."
"Je m'appelle Lafayette. But you can call me Laff. This is-"
"HERCULES MULLIGAN!" we all chuckled.
"So, can you guys teach me what to do around here?" I asked.
"They probably can't, but I can!" said a kid from behind.
"Ah, Aaron Burr, sir. This is Alex, the new kid. So, what are you going to teach him, Burr?" John asked.
"Why, you know me well enough to know what I'm going to say, don't you?" Aaron inquired.
"Talk less, smile more," John, Laff, and Herc groaned in unison. "We know."
"Why don't you give us a verse? Drop some knowledge?" John said.
"Ah, good luck with that, you know where I stand on that atrocious thing you call 'rapping.'" Burr said.
"Boo!" we all yelled as we walked into our classroom. To everyones dismay, Burr walked in behind us.
Our teacher was bald. That's all I have to say about him.
"Hello everybody! My name is Mr. Washington. This is Mr. Lee, our assistant teacher. Today, we are going to go around and say what our names are. You first," he said to a kid in a purple suit.
"My name's Tommy. Tommy Jefferson"
"I'm Maria Lewis."
"John Laurens in the place to be!"
"James Madison."
"My name is Alexander Hamilton. And there's a million things I haven't done, but just you wait, just you wait." I said
"James Reynolds."
"My name is Angie Schuyler."
"I need no introduction," said Herc. We all laughed.
"Aaron Burr."
"I'm Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, but you can call me Laff."
"Haha! Your first name is Marie! That's a girls name!" Tommy said.
"Um... yeah. Haha. That's funny. VERY funny." James Madison said.
The nerve of these guys. What does nerve mean again? I thought.
"That was mean, Thomas!" a cute girl said. "How would you like it if someone said you had a girls name? Oh, and by the way I'm Eliza Schuyler." she said, sitting down.
"Schuyler?" I asked.
"My sister." Angie said.
"Alright, alright, everyone. We are going to be learning about government. I put all our names into a basket and will pick them out at random and whoevers name is pulled out will be put in a tournament and will debate. Okay?"
"Okay." everybody said.
"Up first is... Angie and... me! Okay, so Angie, you'll come up here and debate with me about why you should have a more prominent spot in the class government than m-"
"I will provide equal rights to everyone, no matter what you like, believe, or look like." Angie said.
"Okay, um... I can't provide anything against that, but, uh my policies are that I will teach you well....? So um... time to vote." Mr. Washingmachine said. He passed out whiteboards and markers to everyone. "Write who you are voting for on the whiteboards."
Me, John, Laff, Herc, Eliza, Aaron, James M. and Maria voted for Angie.
Tommy and James R. voted otherwise, so Maria and James M. changed their votes to Mr. Oregon.
"Majority rules!" the teacher said. "Angie moves on. Up next is Eliza and Alex, would you please come up?"
"Alright, up first we will have Eliza, please say what your policies are?"
Word count: 644. I hope you guys liked it! Next chapter is Eliza's POV.

Hamilton in the Fifth Grade AU
فكاهةThe Hamilsquad in 5th Grade. That's literally it.