Uncle Kieran

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The silence at the breakfast table was broken by Henry.

"What are you going to do?"

Branson shrugged.

"I-I don't know... I'll have to talk to Lucy."

He stood up; setting down his napkin.

"I'll do it now."

Henry stopped him.

"What about the other letter?"


Branson took up the envelope; inspecting it.

"It's from Kieran."

He scanned it quickly.

"He says he's heard about our mother, but he's still goin' t' come for Matthew's christening; then he'll cross over t' Ireland the day after. He's invited me t' come with him."

He set down the letter; letting out his breath in a preoccupied hiss.

"I need to tell Lucy," Branson said abruptly; starting towards the door, "have a nice breakfast."

Henry watched him as he went out, then leaned in towards his father-in-law.

"Do you think he should go?"

Lord Grantham shook his head.

"I don't know... I don't think so; he could be arrested, then where would we be?"

"I suppose you're right," Henry mused; playing with his fork, "but it is his mother."

"What do you think Lucy will say about it?" Robert asked, looking towards the door.

His son-in-law gave him a knowing look.

"Oh she'll tell him to go; women are sentimental about such things. She'll want him to be with his mother. Take my word for it; she'll support him if he wants to visit her."


"Oh, but Tom! You mustn't go! What if you're arrested?"

Lucy clutched her husband's arm as they stood in the landing above the stairs.

He sighed, shaking his head sorrowfully.

"But I think I might need to, darling! I haven't seen her in eight years, and now they think she's dying!"

He took her hand; his voice becoming still softer and more imploring.

"Please; if I decide that I do need to see her before she goes, I don't want you against me. Just say you will support me in any decision I may come to... please."

That final plea caused Lucy's doubt and fear to fade.

She had wanted, with an almost selfish desire, to keep him there, safe in England with her; exempt from the troubles of others. Now, however, she realized that his decision was already beginning to tear him apart from the inside. She needed to be there for him in his predicament; to be the loving wife he needed her to be; now, more than ever.

Sybbie of the Abbey: a fan fiction of Downton AbbeyWhere stories live. Discover now