Back at the Abbey

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The day after my father left, everything seemed more subdued. There was an air of oppression about the house as I sat in my room.

It was tedious; sitting there with nothing to do. I tried half-heartedly to read my book, but I had already finished it and didn't have another one.

My ankle pained me and I wished George or Marigold would come in to keep me company. I had a sneaking suspicion he was in the servants hall; trying to find out who the new footman would be. Lucky duck.

Mummy was taking care of Matthew, my aunts and uncles were out, and Nanny was taking care of the little ones, so there was no one to play with me. I couldn't very well go downstairs and interrupt Donk and Granny; that was something which we had been told since we were old enough to understand. Never intrude downstairs in the middle of the day. Besides, I didn't know if I could get down the long staircase without help.

I missed Daddy. He never would have allowed me to sit all alone. Even if he had something to do, he would bring me into the library; or at least be sure I had something to do!

The clock in the hall struck two o'clock. I heaved a great sigh; flinging out my arms. The book I was holding flew out of my hand and hit the opposite wall with a thud.

I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I tried to put my weight on my bad ankle but a pain shot through it. Groaning, I hopped on one foot until I could steady myself against the wall. Leaning down and picking up my book, I made my way in the same manner back to my bed.

I flopped down, staring at the painted leather cover and white pages on my lap. Tossing the book aside the next moment, I stood up again.

No one would be in the library at this time of day; if I could sneak in, I would be able to fetch a new book.

I now had confidence in myself that I would be able to get to the landing by hopping. I could possibly sit down and bump down the stairs. George and I used to do it when Nanny was gone and we had free run.

I bounced across the room and out into the passage. Holding onto the wall, I soon came to the head of the stairs. Clutching the banister, I was about to sit down on the top step, when my foot slipped and I went headlong down the stairs.

I came to a jolting halt at the platform in the middle of the staircase. I lay stunned for a moment; my whole body one mass of pain.

Giving a soft moan, I sat up gingerly; moving each part of me to see if I was broken. My eyes burned with tears, but I forced them back. My ankle and head hurt, and there was blood welling up from a rather painful rug-burn on my elbow, but other than that, I seemed fine.

Anger then enveloped my initial panic. I wanted to curse, but that was out of the question. Instead, I hissed, "banjaxed!" Over and over again under my breath. I knew it wasn't a curse, but it was fun to say and gave me a little malicious satisfaction.

Less shaken then, I glanced about me to see if anyone had witnessed my undignified decent. To my horror, Kate came along the hall.

Hoping she wouldn't notice me, I kept still.

Luck was not on my side.

"Miss Sybbie!" The maid cried, rushing up the stairs to me, "what happened? Did you fall? Are you alright?"

I turned pink with embarrassment.

"I'm fine. I just slipped."

"What were y' doin'?"

"I wanted another book from the library."

"Y' should've rung; I'd've helped y'! Oh! You're elbow's bleeding; let me take a look at it."

I reluctantly proffered my injured limb for her examination.

Tutting, she helped me to my feet.

"Is anythin' else hurt?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Well, let's get y' t' the library and take care of that arm."

I leaned on her, and she guided me into the library. Sitting on the sofa, I lay back against one end and propped my ankle upon a pillow.

The maid went to fetch some ice and stuff to take care of my elbow.

I liked Kate. She was sweet and pretty and seemed a lot like an older sister. I liked her more than Lily; who always seemed rather cross. This set my mind off on a tangent. I was thinking about my cousins and how they had left me, when Mrs. Hughs came in to fetch a novel.

She caught sight of me immediately.

"Miss Sybbie! Why are you down here? I thought you were in your room."

I didn't want to tell her about my fall.

"I wanted a new book."

"How did you get downstairs?"

She went towards me and saw my arm.

"You're bleeding! What happened?"

"I-I fell."


I nodded; not looking at her.

"Are you alright? You don't seem too bad. Can I help you?"

"No thanks, Kate went to get me something."

As if she had been summoned, the maid walked through the door.

"Well Miss, I've got some gauze here to..." she stopped dead, staring at the housekeeper.

"Ah, Kate! It seems you're taking care of Miss Sybbie."

"Y-yes mam."

Mrs. Hughs smiled at her.

"That's good! I can tell Lily to finish off your duties for now, so that you can keep her company if you'd like, and if Miss Sybbie agrees."

I beamed and nodded vigorously.

"Oh yes! Please let her stay! Everyone else is busy!"

Kate blushed.

"Thank you Mrs. Hughs."

The housekeeper suppressed a chuckle and left the room.

Kate went to me and took my elbow in a gentle hand. As she dabbed antiseptic on it and bandaged it with the gauze, I asked her if Mr. Barrow had chosen a new footman yet.

She didn't speak for a moment, but finished binding up my arm. I saw her cheeks redden as she answered my question.

"Y-yes; his name is Alfred Collins. He served 'ere a few days a couple of years back, when the king visited the Abbey."

I scrutinised her intently.

"Did you know him before?"

"Why, y-yes. How..."

I interrupted her, smiling mischievously.

"Did you like him?"

She turned positively scarlet.

"Well, I... um..."

"You did!" I cried triumphantly, "c'mon! Admit it!"

She smiled at me.

"Alright, I admit that I did like him a bit."

"And you still do! Don't you?"

She laughed and sat down across from me.

"Well, that one I refuse t' answer!"

I dropped the subject and we talked for a while about her family.

From that moment on, we became fast friends.

Sybbie of the Abbey: a fan fiction of Downton AbbeyWhere stories live. Discover now