The beginning of the end

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With the sun's rays shinning down through the young boys window, he woke up- giving a slow blink towards the window. The soft chatter of his father and Uncle Hashi could be heard softly floating around in his room. The young Senju gave off a sigh; sitting himself up and taking a glance around his well-kept room.

After allowing himself a minute to wake up, Sakichi stood to his feet; taking his navy blue top and slipping his arms calmly through the sleeves. With a quick tug on his shirt, his eyes cut to the door; seconds before a soft creak would echo through his room. "Kichii Kunn!" Her loud voice echoed. Tsunade popped her head passed the door, looking at the boy with a cheeky smile. "Yes, Lady Tsunade?" His voice came out calmly with a slow breath as he buttoned up his shirt.

"Breakfast is ready" shed give a closed eyed smile, leaving the door open as she turned and walked off. Finishing buttoning up his shirt, Sakichi grabbed his leaf headband; tying it around his forehead as he made his way to the dinning room. "Otō- Sama, Uncle Hashi-" The young Senju nodded towards them as if to say good morning.

Sitting himself down, Sakichi began to eat- listening as his father and uncle were discussing matters of the village. "Brother, the Mist Village has just opened a new bridge.. they are claiming it's for easier transport of goods- however it directs towards konoha and as you know, we certainly aren't in any type of trade with the Mist. I think it's important for us to find out what the Mizukage is really planning. It could be really bad for Konoha since it gives them an easier way to get to the land of fire." Tobirama began, causing hashirama to give a soft sigh. Sakichi glanced between the two, Hashiramas almond eyes meeting the boys gaze. "It's settled then! Tobirama, take your boy with you and go handle it." Hashirama gave a soft laugh with a nod.

A small silence fell between the two. "wait- father, you're not actually considering this are you?" Sakichi blinked at his father, leaning forward a bit. "Sakichi.. we will train today and I will decide if you're ready. It's better to be prepared." His father responded, his voice deep and firm. "In the meantime, I will be working out a small plan in case the Mizukage is too stubborn to reason with the leaf." He gave a nod, turning his attention to Hashirama. "Sounds good! I will entrust this to you two." Hashirama added, finishing off the last bit of his breakfast.

The boys mercury eyes glanced between his father and uncle for a moment as he ate. With a bright smile from his Uncle Hashi- his attention turning towards Mito as she entered the dinning room. "Now now, it's a bit early to already be discussing such matters, the boy just got up. Give him time to wake up." She lightly teased at the two older senju men. A small warm smile found its way on the boys face as he sat his cup on the table. "Morning Aunt Mito-" he gave a slight bow of his head.

"Morning kichi," she smiled, making her way around the table to ruffle the boys already messy hair. "Where's your brother? His food will get cold of he doesn't hurry-" Mito gave a soft sigh, setting down the extra plate before an empty seat. "Morninng-" the voice resonated down the hall, softly catching the everyones attention.

A younger light haired boy entered the room sleepily, rubbing his eyes before giving his small family a smile. "Morning nii san-" Sakichi responded in-between bites of his food. "What's the plan for today pops?" Kaiyu asked, sitting himself down to eat. "Me and Sakichi will be training most of the day." Tobirama responded rather quickly, the male obviously in deep thought about how this should all be played out.

"Ehhh? You're training with Sakichi alone again?-" he frowned slightly, his eyes cutting over towards his brother. "When are you going to train me? I'm tired of having to go over to the Uzumaki residence for training-" he whined with a sigh, leaning himself back into his chair as he poked around at his food. "N-no offense Aunt Mito. It's just-" Kaiyu began; his cheeks slightly gaining a blush as he tried to explain himself. "Don't worry about it, Kaiyu. I understand. However, I would appreciate it if you ate your food instead of playing with it." She responded, giving a light chuckle at the young boy. "R-right forgive me." He blinked at the woman, clearly flustered by her words.

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