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Summer looks up in surprise from the crossword puzzle she's been working on to see Anthony standing smiling at her. Disappointment sinks like a stone in her throat as she stares into the sunglasses covering his eyes. She's tempted to comment on the cloudy day outside to try to get him to take them off so she can see his eyes again. They're so warm and gentle.

"Oh, hi," Summer says and slides the puzzle book into one of the draws of the counter. "I didn't hear you come in."

"Because if you had you would've leapt up to greet me?" Anthony replies skeptically.

Summer blushes at being called out and ducks her head. "You never know, maybe I would've."

"Probably not," Anthony says keeping his voice soft and gentle. "I mean you haven't even asked me if I need anything."

"You're a grown man. I'm sure you can find what you need all on your own," Summer says, actually enjoying the casual banter. "The shop is pretty simple. Pots are over there on the wall if you want to break more of those, and the rest is flowers."

"Well, first of all I'm only 24 and well I have no desire to help you break any more pots and I don't know the first thing about flowers so..." Summer groans, so Anthony and her are only in the same age huh?

"Fine, what can I do for you on this wonderful rainy afternoon?" Summer asks through clenched teeth and gives him a fake smile.

"I wanted to return these," Anthony says pulling a handful of broken clay pieces out of his pocket.

Summer laughs. "Why? You could have just thrown them away."

Anthony shrugs. "Felt like stealing."

"Uh-huh," Summer says in amusement and folds her arms over her chest. She can feel herself smiling now. "We have a 'break it you bought it' policy so if you really didn't want to feel like you were stealing I could ring up the price of that pot for you."

"Mmmh, no. Technically you were actually the one who broke it, so I'll be keeping my money."

"I only broke it because you scared me."

"Which I'm sorry for, but I'm not buying up a broken pot you probably don't even have anymore," Anthony says sternly.

She decides not to tell him that she'd kept the pieces and taken them home.

"So you decided to bring them to me to throw away?"

Anthony looks stumped like he hadn't thought far ahead. "I guess that's what I did..."

"Did you want anything else? Or just to return some broken pot pieces?" Summer asks gesturing to the pieces of clay on the counter.

"Mostly, but the day was dreary and it's much nicer in here," he says turning to look around the flower shop.

"I see, would you by any chance like to buy some flowers?" Summer asks.

"I probably should. My girlfriend is still pissed about last night," he says mostly to himself.

"She's still mad about you trying to help me?" Summer asks skeptically.

"No," Anthony answers. "Something else."

"Oh," Summer replies. She's tempted to ask what happened but decides against it as she reminds herself it's none of her business what this oddly friendly man's relationship issues are.

"What about those flowers?" Anthony asks nodding toward the pots of little dark blue flowers on one of the indoor tables.

"The labelias?" Summer asks.

 The Ways in Which I Die (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now