Scisaac (malexmale)

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The first kiss had been an accident- an honest to god whoops- they had been sparring when Scott tripped Isaac up and Isaac grasped onto his shoulder trying to keep himself from tumbling down but in the end that seemed to be a mistake because Isaac's eyes widened as he realized Scott's chapped lips were beneath his own, "oh my god I'm so sorry." panic filled his veins and Scott reassured him with that smile of his, "it's fine man it was an accident it's all good wait hold on you saying that I ruined your first kiss?" Isaac looked down, rubbing the back of his neck, "was that really considered a kiss?" Scott frowned his eyebrows crinkling together before he chuckled, "well there was no tongue so I guess it technically doesn't." he clasped his hand on Isaac's shoulder, "c'mon man let's go get some food."

The second time was completely Ethan's fault he had been talking to Scott while leaning against his locker and Ethan had been shoving Danny playfully and it was fine until Ethan accidentally pushed him a little too hard making stumble into Isaac which made him fall forward and Scott caught him but he looked up at the wrong time and their lips accidentally brushed together for a brief second, "sorry man." Ethan looked genuinely apologetic making Isaac give him a smile, "it's alright you didn't mean it." but the smile that Ethan gave Danny said otherwise and only Scott seemed to notice it but he shook it off, "ready to head home?" Isaac nodded, rubbing his face, "yeah let's go bye guys." he waved to Ethan and Danny. Once was an accident but twice seemed to be a coincidence.

The third time was kinda a mixture of Scott's fault and his own. Isaac had been carrying on a conversation when Scott had come up behind him wrapping his arm around Isaac's shoulder he had turned his head to greet Scott but Scott had leaned in to kiss his cheek at the same time and their lips brushed against each other making Isaac's face heat up embarrassment and the look given by Stiles didn't slip past him, "I'm gonna head to class see you guys at the pack meeting." Isaac and Scott both didn't seem to know what to say and so Isaac didn't say anything as he walked off.

The fourth wasn't an accident Isaac had stood in the doorway of Scott's room, "hey just wanted to say goodnight." Scott smiled, "you wanna crash in here?" Isaac hesitated but usually sleeping with someone helped with the nightmares, "sure why not." he climbed under the covers and Scott whispered, "Isaac." when Isaac turned his head towards Scott their lips crashed together and Scott gripped Isaac's hips pulling him closer when they pulled away Isaac stumbled over his words, "that was- why did- how-" he seemed at a loss for words, "that wasn't an accident." he managed to put together coherently and Scott smiled, "yeah it wasn't." he let his thumb caress Isaac's cheek, "I figured all those coincidences were telling me something." Isaac lifted a brow, "and what was that?" he studied Scott's face, "that I need to get my shit together and just kiss you already." he nodded agreeing with Scott's words, "so does this-" Scott nodded, "if you want." Isaac nodded eagerly, "oh yeah definitely." Isaac kissed him again just relishing in the fact that he could and for the first time in a long time Isaac fell asleep with a smile on his face.

The fifth was in front of Melissa at breakfast Isaac went to pass Scott and kissed his cheek, "mornin'." smiling but quickly backpedaled towards Scott, "wat?" Scott had a mouthful of cereal that Isaac waited for him to swallow before kissing him properly, "good morning." Melissa had a face of shock but she really wasn't all that surprised because when she finally collected herself she mumbled, "finally." before kissing Scott's cheek, "I'm working late tonight so you'll be on your own cooking dinner okay?" Scott nodded, "yeah mom." she kissed Isaac's cheek whispering in his ear, "don't be afraid to order in." she knew Scott could hear every word making her chuckle as he whined, "moooom." she shook her head, "I'll see you later boys."

The next day they announced it to the pack and the first words were from Jackson, "thank god that means no more awkward eye-fucking between you two." Derek patted Scott's shoulder, "just wear protection." Scott's face burned and Stiles had a huge smile on his face as he exchanged looks with the twins who high-fived Danny, "told you our plan would work." Isaac broke out of the stupor first, "wait you shoved Danny into me on purpose." Isaac's eyes narrowed and Ethan yelped as Isaac lunged at him making everyone cackled at their actions. In the end everyone congratulated them even Peter who usually just sat in the background brooding.

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