Confusion ~ Nico

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"I'll be back. I swear on the river styx,"

Those were my last words to Leo Valdez. Then my hands slipped, and I fell down once again.

It was different than before; this time I had a reason to come out. This time there was someone waiting for me.

The fall seemed to last forever, and I stumbled to the bottom when I made it. The monsters kept coming, and by the end of ten years, I was emotionally and physically destroyed.

I was starting to wonder if there was a way to end it, a way to forget everything. And then I saw it.

The river Lethe was for people like me; people who only no pain. And maybe if I jumped in, I wouldn't have to swim back out.

Slowly I stumbled in, "I'm sorry Leo,"


I awoke from my dream with a start. I don't remember hell, just that day before. That boys face haunted my dreams.

His name was Leo, that's all I knew. Chaos tells me I made him up, and that that's the reason for everything.

Chaos tells me that I did survive hell, but it was another boy with me. That he made it out and I didn't.

And today I was apparently supposed to meet him, all he other help earth with a war. I stood with the rest of my army at the top of a hill.

Luke was behind me and to my left, Thalia on my right. The group spread further, with Ethan in the back right, and Zoe on the left.

I scanned the crowd, two faces catching my attention. One was the boy who I was told I knew, the boy I had supposedly gone through hell with.

The other was him.

His brown curls fell into his brown eyes, his face smudged with oil and grease. His eyes stared at me with both horror and shock, both bloodshot and watery.

He gave me a small smile but I looked way, replacing and emotion on my face with a grim determined look.

"My name is Nico Di Angelo. I am the leader of the army of chaos, and I have come to help you win the war,"

Chiron started discussing things but I waved him off and sent Luke to deal with it. Luke and always been a much more social person than I was.

I walked over to the side of the camp, leaning against a tree. I knew if someone was supposed to walk over to me, the fates would make it happen.

Then he walked over. Dream boy.

"What did you do with Nico?" He growled.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. What. Did. You. Do. With. Nico?"

"Look dude, I don't know who the hell you are but I sure as well know who the hell I am so don't come up and ask me stupid ass questions,"

"You seriously don't know me?" He asked, and I shook my head which he took as an invitation to continue. "Then they did you look at me? Out of everyone, why did you look at me?"

"Because I might not know who you are but I can tell I've seen you before. Your in my dreams and I want to know why,"

"Well maybe because you made a promise. You swore on the river Styx that you would be back,"

"I didn't make that promise to you. Chaos says your a figment of your imagination,"

"He lied! Don't trust him,"

"I don't. Not anymore at least. Or maybe I do. But I definitely don't trust you. So do me a favor and leave me the hell alone for now. Your not the person I wanted to see,"

At some level that was true. I wanted to see chaos, for him to tell me everything. Or to see my old self and know who I was.

But I wanted to see him too. I wanted to see him and understand everything. I wanted to remember everything and because of that, I couldn't have him close.

I knew this boy had been apart of my previous life, but chaos wanted me to talk to the blond. He said that that was who I made the promise to, and I needed to see if that was true.

Leo walked away and I stayed against the tree, watching the blond look at me before following Leo our.

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