Exhaustion ~ Leo

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"Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks," I woke Nico up by bouncing on his bed like a child on Christmas morning. "Waaaaaaaaake uuuuuuuuuup!"

"No," he rolled over and tried to fall asleep again,

I yanked his pillow away from him, causing his head to crash into the hard camp mattress. I gave a triumphant smile, "have fun sleeping with no pillow,"

Nico didn't seem fazed. He just adjusted his position and laid his head on my chest, "don't worry, you can be my pillow,"

I'm not sure if he realized I was me, or if he was just so tired he thought I was will. Whatever it was, Nico was cuddling with me.

Resisting a smile, I grabbed his arm and yanked him out of bed, causing him to hit the floor. I stood over at him, the triumphant smile returning.

"Valdez!" Nico wined, "I wanted to sleeeeeeeeep,"

"Too bad, I want to get trained. We are going after the creator of the universe after all," I said, helping him up. "Now let's go. I get private lessons before everyone else,"

He grumbled but agreed, shadow traveling us towards the arena. I grabbed the sword I had worked on before, shuddering at the memory of the love goddess.

"So let's start out with basic training. Just try and disarm me," he said.

I tried.

I failed.

I tried again. I failed again.

I tried. I failed. I tried again. I failed again. I kept trying. I kept failing. That was it, try, fail, try fail.

Nico must've sensed my frustration because he touched my shoulder and gave me a ghost of a smile. "Hey. It's okay. Let me show you the disarming technique I learned,"

I nodded and he showed me how to thrust a sword out of someone's hand, along with how to tackle them to the ground.

After sitting back and watching him for what felt like forever, he finally allowed me to fight him.

I sparred and sparred, dodging his attacks barely. Nico continued to talk while fighting, "I want you to try and do the two techniques we worked on today,"

I finally knocking his sword out of his hands and throwing him to the ground. I feel right on top of him. "Like that?" I whispered.

"Yeah," he replied breathlessly, our lips only inches away, "just like that,"

"Nico?" The son of Apollo said from behind me, causing Nico to get up immediately and roll me to the ground.

"Yeah babe?" The Italian asked.

I stifled back a growl I didn't think I still had in me and Percy walked over to help me up, "don't worry. I'll train you instead,"

"Thanks," I smiled, letting the best swordsman ever train me. After about an hour, Percy challenged the other two to a team spar.

I grabbed my sword (which I still wasn't used to using) and stood in front of Will. I battled him, letting all the rage I had come out.

My sword glowed a bright gold as it clashed wills to the ground, and all I could hear was Aphrodite's squeals as I felt my head go light.

I don't remember who caught me, just the frantic "Leo's?" And "nico's?" They were saying.

Yeah, yeah, I know it's been a while. But in all reality, it hasn't been that long. And I've been working on things not in wattpad so sorry. Anyways, I hope I gave you a bit of valdangelo moments in this, more will come next chapter.

Let the lonely live forever,

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