Alliances ~ Leo

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I woke up to a blinding light and new immediately I had failed. Of course, Nico can't be in my life but I can't be out of his.

Percy and Nico were on the foot of my bed, looking at me with worry while Will scribbled fiercely on his clipboard.

I looked at Nico for a moment and saw a small bit of hope flash over his face. Moving my attention to Percy I gave a slight smile.

He might be the only friend I had, and as of right now, Nico didn't qualify as anything.

"Percy," I groaned and he moved closer, giving me the small smile he always did. Nico looked hurt and moved away from me.

"I didn't want to be saved you know," I said quietly.

Percy gave a smile to me, "I know. But just like when you tried to drown, I was there,"

"Actually jackson," Nico intervened, "your boyfriend was with me at the time, you weren't there at all,"

"A, Di Angelo, he's not my boyfriend. He's my best friend, he just originally wanted to make you jealous. B, you didn't even use your powers to save him, it was me who helped use all water healing I had in me and Will using his smarts that saved him. You were just the cause,"

Nico looked hurt but didn't say more. I turned to look at Percy, "we need to defeat chaos, he might be the only way,"

"You seriously want to be friends with him?"

"We just need to be allies for now. And I'm fine, so let me go out," I said. Will tried to put up a fight but I ignored him and walked out the door, Percy next to me.

The son of Poseidon gave a small smirk, "you think he's jealous?"

"What?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"That's why you chose me. You obviously still love Leo you just and to act like you hated him to get him to think even more about you,"

"No percy, I just realized he's stupid. I had more fun not worrying about him then I've ever had. You've been a really great friend so I chose you over him,"

"Oh. Well then I think I have to go. Need to form a plan," he said, running off.

"A plan about what!" I called, only for him to not respond. I made my way to the tree I always was and saw Nico Di Angelo already there.

"Mind some company?" I asked, climbing up.

"Why?" Nico didn't look at me, "I thought you hated me,"

"Oh I do. I just know we need to work together. You know, like we used to,"

"I actually don't. Because I thought we were good until you started doing whatever you're ere doing with Percy Jackson. You know how much it hurts to be replaced?"

"I know better than anyone!" My voice started rising, "you just forgot everything we've went through! And it's all my fault because if I had been strong enough you never would've went to hell! If I was strong enough you would've been right here with me forever but instead I let go! I was scared of falling in too so I let go!"

"What the hell are you talking about Leo! You weren't there, will was!"

"No he wasn't! That's just what the stupid prick who created the planet made you think! But then you returned and our so called 'true love' wasn't strong enough. Just face it Nico! You abandoned me."

"I didn't abandon you!" He screamed back, his black eyes angry.

"Your right, I abandoned myself!" Tears had streamed down my face. I lowered my voice and spoke softer, "I abandoned myself. I lost myself in the promise that you would be back that I couldn't see you weren't. I lost everything because I thought you were gonna come back, I thought I could save you. But your not you anymore and I need to except that. I need to fucking except that,"

Nico looked at me for a long moment before moving his arms around me and pulling me in for a hug.

"I never meant to abandon you," he said softly.

I moved away from him and hopped off the tree branch, trying not to look weak as I wiped off the tears in my eyes. "That doesn't change the fact you did,"

Don't worry, more valdangelo will be coming! There will even be a moment for them in the next chapter!

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