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*play the video above as you read*

Come Little Children

I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land

Of Enchantment

Come Little Children

The Time's Come To Play

Here In My Garden

Of Shadows

Follow Sweet Children

I'll Show Thee The Way

Through All The Pain And

The Sorrows

Weep Not Poor Children

For Life Is This Way

Murdering Beauty And


Hush Now Dear Children

It Must Be This Way

To Weary Of Life And


Rest Now My Children

For Soon We'll Away

Into The Calm And

The Quiet

Dear soul,

Should I know we'll be apart this sudden I would always embrace you tight.

Dear soul,

If I know this will be the end I would have never hold you back.

Dear soul,

My body may decay, but you will always stay.

Light up the candle of fear and let it burn the ground,

Remind the hateful heart of my presence

As they step into the sacred land.

Let him unveil all that he has done,

And feed my thirst of justice,

So that I can be found..

Come Little Children

I'll Take Thee Away, into a Land

Of Enchantment

Come Little Children

The Time's Come To Play

Here in My Garden

Of Shadows

The clock strikes 12 midnight. The sound of the pendulum swinging side to side echoes in the old double-storey mansion, giving goose bumps to everyone that hears it-including Chinen.

For some reason his eyes do not want to shut themselves. He did everything he could- drinking warm milk, gulped the cough syrup- to make himself sleepy but it seems like the images of the old house keeps lingering in his mind. Whenever he tries to closes his eyes he'll be haunted by the silence and the sound of the clock.

But that's not all. There is something that disturbed him more.

The footsteps.

Call him crazy or nuts, but Chinen is certain that his ears did not deceive him. He clearly heard someone walking on the wooden floor corridor, making an eerie cracking sound with every step.

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