Chapter Eight

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Louis POV:

Harry walked through the door of our shared flat and threw his keys onto the table.

"Louis," he began, "what was up with you today?"

"What do you mean?"

"You kept, I don't know, glancing at me," he looked at his hands. Had I made him feel insecure?

"I mean, I was just wondering if you were having second thoughts?" He continued speaking when I didn't answer him.

"Second thoughts about what love?" I walked further into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

"About... Us?" He whispered weakly, tears forming in his eyes.

"Harry, darling," I pulled him into my arms, "I could never have second thoughts about us, I love you. D- do you have second thoughts about us?" I asked the question shakily, I don't know how I would handle it if he didn't want me.

"No lou, I love you too," he buried his face in my hair. We probably looked like a sight to see, wrapped up in each other's arms, standing in the kitchen with tears in our eyes.

"Listen Harry, I love you-,"

"But you looked at me with such doubt today," Harry cut me off before I could finish

"Harry, I wanted to talk to you about something," why didn't he eat?

"O-okay," he stuttered out, trying to look like he wasn't worried about the topic.

"I know about the cancer now, but why won't you eat? You'll just get worse if you don't," I wished he would get better.

"Lou, I feel, I don't know, full. I don't feel hungry. I should eat, but it just makes me so sick to my stomach. I can't," he looked away and sat down at the table.

"If you don't eat, you will have to be hospitalized. They will have to shove a feeding tube down your throat and pump you full of drugs. Harry please eat something," I begged he would at least try, praying he would give in.

"I will try Louis. I can't promise you anything, but I will try for you," he took a deep breathe and stood to kiss my lips."

"Movie night?" I suggested making the taller lad nod happily.

I giggled as he ran to pick out a movie.


About halfway through the film, Harry had fallen asleep. Not surprising, Harry was already weak from his disease, and the lads had been all over with him today. Okay, we went to lunch, but Harry looked exhausted when we got home.

I'm glad he could rest, but it was about three o clock and I was not even close to tired.

I slid out of Harry's hold and stretched my legs before walking to the coat closet to grab my jacket.
I wrote Harry a quick post-it note and stuck it on his head before I left.

I had to look at him once more before I left.

He is perfection.

How is it fair to the rest of the world that he's mine?

I smirked at the cheesy thought and swung the door closed behind me.

Harry's POV:

I woke up cold and on the sofa. I couldn't see either.

I brought my hand up to my eyes and wrapped my fingers around the obscuring object.

It was a little post-it with Lou's handwriting.

Went out for a bit, I will be back around five-ish text me if you want anything and I'll bring it to you. Love you, lewi:)

I smiled at his cuteness and swung my legs to the edge of the couch to sit up. A wave of nausea hit me as I stood, causing me to rush to the bathroom. I barely made it before I coughed up a crimson liquid into the bowl.

I heaved several times, each body-wracking jolt projected more blood into the toilet bowl.

Finally, the wave passed and I felt better. I looked at the substance floating around the toilet water in disgust.

Why can't I be normal.

I stood from my position on my knees and flushed the terrible liquid down.

This is disgusting I thought as I rinsed my face and brushed my teeth. No one deserves this

I stumbled into the living room, or tried to. Somewhere in the hallway, my legs lost their strength and collapsed beneath me.

"Goddammit," I cursed as my vision started going black. I tried to fight it, I really did.

(A/n: shorttrtt)

Later tater tot

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