Chapter Ten

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(A/N: okay story is ending soon. Not like right now but soon. The next stories I write will be better and longer hopefully)

Sry 4 da mstaks

Harry's POV:

I woke up with Louis next to me. Not like a 'normal' next to me, he was slouched over in a chair next to my bed. My hospital bed.

Honestly I'm not surprised. The last thing I remember was going down, and that memory is still a bit hazy.

"Louis," I tried to speak, but no sound came out. I brought my hand to my throat and felt the small plastic disc I was dreading.

They gave me a breathing tube?

What the hell? I know that they had said if the problems with my lungs got worse they would preform a tracheostomy, but I didn't expect it.

Was it really that bad?

I looked over at Louis and reached over to run the pad of my thumb over the dries tear tracks left on his face.

Beautiful boy. I loved him.

He shifted against my hand on his face and fluttered his eyes open slowly, his long eyelashes brushing his cheeks when he blinked

"Hey Harry," he sadly smiled at me. He sounded tired, not surprising since its, oh look at that, two a.m.

I waved in response, I couldn't speak with this damn piece of plastic in my throat.

"Are you feeling okay?" His voice was heavy with sleep, honestly it kinda turned me on.

I smiled at him and nodded my head. I wish I could speak.

I suppose if I tried hard enough, I could talk. It would just hurt a lot.

"Harry," Louis sat up a bit more, "wh- what happened?" Tears had started forming in his eyes.

I looked around for my phone. I moved my thumbs like I was texting, hoping he would get the message.

He nodded and grabbed my phone from his pocket. The nurses must have given it to him.

When my phone was in my own hands, I opened a new text message to Louis.

To: Lewi :)

I'm sorry I have to text this to you, but I just can't speak right now.
I'm not really sure myself what happened. I woke up and I just felt so... I don't know, sick?
I threw up a bit. A lot. Then I was fine. I felt fine. Then I passed out. I don't know after that. Who found me?

I pressed send and heard the notification go off in Louis' pocket.
He opened my text with teary eyes.

"Harry, I-I found you," more years rolled down his face as he spoke, "I thought you were dead!" He raised his voice before his voice broke with a son.

I gestured for him to come to me and wrapped my arms around him when he complied.

'Love you' I mouthed to him when he looked up at me.

'I love you too' he mouthed back with a small smile, his tears subsiding.

"Love you more" I mouthed

"Love you most" he whispered.

"Not possible" I mouthed before moving down to kiss him.

We probably looked like freaks, him half on half off the hospital bed kissing some idiot with a hole cut in his throat.

"Harry?" Louis started once the kiss broke, "what's wrong with your lungs?"

I looked down at him for a moment before he started speaking again, "I mean, I though you had stomach cancer. Your lungs are fine right?"

Oh how I wish that were true.

I pulled my phone out to send him another text.

To: Lewi :)

The word they used to describe it to me was metastasis. I had to google it to understand what it means, but it's basically when Cancer moves. The cancer cells duplicate and a part breaks off and infects another area, in this case my lungs. It sucks sometimes.

I sent the message and looked up to see his reaction. Tears sprung in his eyes again, but not as bad.

"Harry, you had to go through all this alone, why didn't you tell us?"

To: Lewi :)

Louis, I didn't tell you guys because when I was first diagnosed, it went away after a few months. It was gone for two years nearly. It came back a couple months ago, and now it's even worse lou. Please don't hate me when I tell you this, but Louis I'm going to die, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. It's not like I want to die. No, god no I don't want to die, but baby that's just how it is. I can't change any thing. I'm terminal. You can leave if you want.

Pressing send, I almost regretted it. I didn't want lou to leave me, but it was selfish to ask him to stay. I was a ticking time bomb and it isn't fair to him.

If Louis wasn't crying before, he sure was now. Tears were streaming down his face faster than I could keep track of.

"Harry, I wouldn't leave you. I love you. There is nowhere I would want to be than with you. Where you are is where I want to be," he finished off with a sniffle, and now I had tears glistening in my eyes.

My heart rate increased as he leaned in to kiss me, and the monitor I was hooked up to caught it.

"That's interesting," Louis laughed lightly at my higher heart beat.

I wanted to tell him to shutup, but I settled for kissing him instead.

I hate hospitals, but I love Louis William Tomlinson.

(A/N: idk kind of cute. Thank you so much for 200 reads I feel so accomplished :).

Next chapter I'm going to try to write some smut, sooo I might have to do some "studying" and read some smut ;).

Hope you enjoyed.)

Bye bye baby boo boo

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