Chapter Thirteen

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(Unedited omfg sorry)

Harry's POV:

"Now that we are home, please tell me what's wrong," Louis begged once we stepped through the door.

"It's honestly nothing you should worry about," I smiled at him. I really don't want to tell him.

"Harry please,"

"Hmm, maybe if you beg," I smirked at him.

Louis surprisingly crawled over to where I was sitting and got on his knees in front of me, "please Harry please tell me,"

"Lou, do you really want to know?"

He nodded and I motioned for him to sit beside me on the couch. He wasn't going to take this well.

"Louis, things, I don't know, they've gone by really fast since we became 'we'" I had to stop to collect my thoughts, "and it's all gone by really fast, I just-"

"Are you like breaking up with me?" Louis asked quietly.

"No I'm not breaking up with you," i lifted his face up to meet my gaze, his eyes pooling with tears," it's just that things have gone by faster than I would have wanted to o guess,"

"Harry," Louis pulled me down into a hug, "what do you mean?"

"Well when the Cancer came back, they gave me four months to live," Louis snapped his eyes to meet mine, "and that was four months ago.

"Harry! What? Your joking right? It's not a funny joke!" Louis sputtered out, standing to pace around the sitting room.

"No lou, I'm not joking," I moved the rings around on my fingers, "I wish I were,"

"Harry I-" he had tears running freely down his face, "so one of these days you're just going to fall over dead! Your just going to quite being! Why didn't you tell me?" His words were laced with hurt, it hurt me a little to see him like this. Hell, it hurt me a lot to see him like this.

"Lou, I can already feel myself getting weaker. I've been getting weaker for the last four months! I'm not going to just 'drop dead' because I'm already there. I'm already dead!" I yelled with a huff, "you and I both knew that this was coming. Don't act surprised," I felt out of breathe by the time I had finished.

"I know, but it's too soon," Louis cried, "it's too soon Harry! I love you! I don't want you to go!"

"You think I want to go? No one wants to die,"

"You don't deserve to die. You've done nothing terrible," Lou spat.

"Bad thing happen to good people," I sighed, defeated.

"Don't say that. We can be okay? Together we will get through this,"

"No Louis! We can't! I'm not going to live to twenty-two!" I raised my voice again, "I may make it to twenty one, but teeny two is not going to happen."

Louis sniffled at my words. He knew they rang true. I knew they rang true. The world knew they rang true.

"Harry. Please," Louis voice begged, "I love you,"

"I love you too," I inhaled and moved to him, pressing my forbear to his, "but lou, this will kill both of us,"

"Harry don't talk like that,"
His eyes shone with unshed tears, "we'll be okay,"

"No we won't," I shook my head lightly and felt his lips press to mine.

"Sorry Harry bu-" I cut him off with my lips.

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