📜🔖: During Pandemic

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(( ※ ☞ You worry... a lot. But, since commander handsome is your boyfriend, he encourages you to workout with him.

(( ※ ☞ His workout regimens is sooooo tiring (but worth it. 'Cause the two of you shower together after😚😛💦)

(( ※ ☞ Someone he knew got the covid 19. Although he didn't cry, he mourned over that person for a while and you stood just beside him and helped him get over it.

(( ※ ☞ Movie nights

(( ※ ☞ Bath tub dates

(( ※ ☞ Erwin tries to shower you with love since it's actually once in a blue moon that he has spare time

(( ※ ☞ You tell him that the time that he spends with you is really precious to you

(( ※ ☞ You heard him crying once and He said " I just realized how little time I have spent with you. I was afraid that you'd leave me since there's a lot out there that can pay attention to you"

(( ※ ☞ You reassured him that you wouldn't leave him because he's the right man for you

(( ※ ☞ You ended up making love to him ( reaaaallllyyy passionate) to show him the love that you have for him

(( ※ ☞ Since Erwin is a polymath (a person who likes learning), you two usually read before sleep

(( ※ ☞ Book genre: Philosophy, Social and political science, And sometimes, Tragic love stories

(( ※ ☞ He cuddles you ( a cuddle monster at times)

(( ※ ☞ He tells you to watch out for your weight since it's hard to get back on track

(( ※ ☞ He comforts you whenever you're anxious about a family member

(( ※ ☞ He wooooorrrkkkkkssss at home...

(( ※ ☞ He makes you sit on his lap sometimes while he works

(( ※ ☞ That's when you feel something poke you...

(( ※ ☞ Ends up having vanilla sex... ALL NIGHT

Hello reader chan!! <3 Comment what you think about the chapter. How to suggest will be posted later on because I am so forgetful that I forgot about it... Thankyou for reading

- blank san ♡> /°_°/>

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