Glowed Up And Grown Up

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     You know, I never would of thought that the love of my life would be my own high school volleyball teammate. We went through so much together, troubles and sweetness. I wish that one day in our next life that we meet each other and live another happy life together.

     I placed the white flower into my shirt pocket, adjusting my black kimono sleeves as well. I looked into the mirror while my stylists used gel to slick my hair back. I smiled at the sight.

     I walked down the carpet and placed my hands behind my back, waiting for my beautiful groom. My best man, Reon, placed his hands on my shoulders.

     "Calm down big man, you got this, just calm down, alright?" he reassured me.

     I only nodded in response. I looked ahead of me and saw Tendou's best man, Terushima. He looked like he was about to explode with excitement. We both met each other's eyes and smiled.

     Just then, I heard music start to play. I looked towards the door and saw him, walking down the aisle. He was beautiful. Even though he wasn't wearing a dress, but instead a white kimono just like mine, only mine was black and his was white.

     I was such in awe that time slowed. I couldn't believe how much he's grown up and glowed up. I continued to follow him with my eyes as soon as he reached the stage. We both looked deeply into each other's eyes.

     This went on for so long that before I knew it, the speech was already over. The pastor both  asked us the same question.

     "Do you take Ushijima Wakatoshi as your lawfully wedded husband?"

     "I do." he sweetly smiled.

     "Do you take Tendou Satori as your lawfully wedded husband?"

     "..I do.." I grinned happily.

     "You may now kiss the bride." the pastor shouted.

     We crashed each other's lips against each other's, today marks a new life for me. I smiled bigger than ever over the past 24 years. As we pulled away from the kiss, we both turned around to hug our best men.

     I could see behind Reon the whole Shiratorizawa sobbing happy tears.

     "You did great Wakatoshi-San!" Goshiki yelled while wiping his tears.

     "Congratulations Japan!!" I could hear Hinata yell from the audience, he waved his hands up in the air. I waved back at him, right beside him was his fiancé, Kageyama.

     I scanned the room, then I saw Mika, she was taking pictures with her camera. I noticed she was crying, tears of happiness. I waved at her.

     I looked around the room more, I saw my high school coach, I smiled and waved at him as well. Everybody was here, even Oikawa.

     Today was the day that I was most happiest. Nothing could stop me from smiling. I turned back to Tendou and placed a kiss on his forehead. He leaned forward to my ear and whispered.

"Wanna' go glitter bomb Aoba-Johsai's gym with Terushima and me?"

𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐩 & 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐩 ||𝐔𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐧||Where stories live. Discover now