Chapter 6

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Lisa's P.O.V
"Just come with me" he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to his room. It was really stupid of me to think anything else was going to come out of this assholes mouth, he made it clear back then that nothing going to happen. So why do still keep my hopes up.

We stood in front of his window I looked down and back at him
"You're going to jump" he said
"WHAT!? I'm not going to jump from this height onto concrete"
"Why not? You were about to do off a BALCONY!" He exaggerated
"Balcony or no balcony I would've landed on grass"
"Grass really!? I—" I covered his mouth we heard footsteps approaching the room

"Hoseok can't see me dressed up like this he's going to know for sure I'm going out" I said freaking out.
"Ok let's make a run for it" he said I furrowed my eyebrows
"What do you mean? You're not coming with me"
"Yes I am i don't know if you're going to see that Taeyoung guy"
"I'm not, and it's Taehyung"

We heard a knock at the door
"Jungkook? Do you have someone over I told you, you can't. Whatever I'm coming in" I grabbed Jungkooks hand
"You know I hate you" I said and he gave me a smirk we jumped out and hit the hard solid floor hard.

I was still woozy from the fall I looked down and I was on top of Jungkook his eyes were closed and he wasn't moving
"Oh my god I killed him" I said my eyes watering he started laughing I got off him and stood up he also got up
"You should've remained dead" I said my voice shaky.

I started walking to the bus station annoyed he followed still thinking it's funny
"Aww she cares about me" He said I turned around to face him
"Why don't you just go home!?" He smirked and came really close up to my face
"What fun would that be doll if I let you go off with some guy other than me"

My face turned red like crazy I was glued to the ground I'm pretty sure I forgot to walk. I snapped out of it when I saw his stupid smile I can't believe I let his Jungkook magic take an affect on me.

"Back up..." I said pushing his further form my face
"I'm not doing this for you nor Taehyung, I'm going to dinner with Chae and Jimin"
"Jimin? As in my friend Jimin?"
"Duh who else"
"I don't know you seem very close to guys lately so maybe anyone would've guessed that you knew another—"
"ALRIGHT I GET IT don't talk though you know you're a man whore" I said and he scoffed
"Is that what you think of me?"
"That's what everyone thinks of you" his face went serious for second

He looked around twice to see if people were around which was very suspicious.
"Kiss me" he said and my eyes grew wide and my cheeks turned red
"What's wrong with you!? are you nuts?!" I said giving him a slight shove.

He grabbed my hand and looked me straight in the eye with this passion and looked down at my lips. My body didn't  want to budge I looked back at him with the same expression. Why doesn't my mouth say something.

He started leaning in and I freaked out what do I do I can't let him kiss me he's messing with my love life. I put my middle finger on his lips which were suppose to be my lips.

He opened his eyes to find himself kissing my finger he quickly backed away and started wiping his lips
"EW! Lady I don't know where your hands have been" he said I snapped back to my old self I can't believe I was about to let this guy kiss me
"YAH YOU PIECE OF SHIT I HAVE A NAME!" The bus arrived at that moment and I strutted over to the door
"Wait for me" he followed behind.

I sat in the back of the bus near the window and he came and sat next to me. I leaned my head back and brushed my hand through my hair frustrated at Jungkook. I look over at him and he was playing with his gum wrapper.

I snatched it from him and he whined like a little kid to give it back
"Don't act all innocent and play the victim" I said shoving it into my pocket
"But I didn't do anything" he said with a pout
"Didn't do anything? You just tried to kiss me"
"Its not like we haven't before" he said under his breath but I clearly heard it.

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