Hide (Luke Patterson x reader)

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Prompt/summary: Reader is Alex's sister and has been secretly dating Luke behind his back, but what is gonna happen when the two favorite people in her life fight?

Word Count: 1,365

Warnings: none

Authors note: Low key made me really sad when I started writing Alex and reader hugging. Anyways, hopefully it's the perfect amount of angst and feel good.


We were usually more cautious.

The only time Luke and I got to hang out together was after band practices when Alex took his nap. After two months of sneaking around we finally found the perfect times and excuses to sneak out to spend time together as a couple. I always headed out first to go back home, as my parents always thought I was at some school function and not watching my brothers band practice (not like they notice when I'm gone anyways). Luke would leave with Reggie and part with him at main street to meet me at our favorite spot in town.

The park was mostly empty at dusk, only a few random kids and homeless people hanging around. Our usual spot was on a giant boulder near the playground. Whether we were playing on the swings or sitting on the rock and stargazing, we tried to make use of what little time together we had during the day. Stealing kisses, cuddling, and laughing at inside jokes together.

"Do you think we'll ever be able to tell him?" I asked, I was laying on his chest with him laid back on the boulder to look at the stars.

"I don't know," he said pressing a kiss to my forehead, "He made it very clear to me and Reggie you were off limits. Respect the bro code, ya know?"

I scoffed, "Bro code?"

"Yeah," he laughed, "I know it sounds stupid. But I don't want the band to break up because of something so..."

"Stupid?" I asked.

"You're not stupid (Y/n), just something so... not important. Wait not that you're not important-"

I giggled, "I know what you mean."

He smiled at me and placed a quick kiss on my lips. I reached up to run a hand through his hair only to hear a sigh come out of him. We laid in silence for what felt like hours. Just holding each other and watching the sky.

We must've fallen asleep at some point, only waking to see the sun rising and the city starting to wake up.

"Shit," I said, sitting up and shaking Luke, "Luke, we gotta go."

"Fuck what time is it?" he said getting off the rock.

"I don't know. Alex probably didn't see you come back last night so he's gonna be suspicious."

"Oh right it's Saturday. You get back to your house and change," He said. He picked up his bag before pulling me off the rock and to my feet.

I paused, "What about you? He's gonna notice you're wearing the same clothes as yesterday."

"I'll be fine," he said, he handed me his hoodie before placing a quick kiss on my forehead, "Just go."

I ran back to my house and prayed that Alex wouldn't notice my absence at today's practice.


Unfortunately it did not.

As soon as I walked into the garage with the takeout they asked me to bring yesterday I was pulled aside by my worried brother.

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