All I ever longed for (Reggie Peters x country singer!reader)

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Prompt/summary: Julie comes up with a plan for Reggie to ask out his dream girl.

Word Count: 1,215

Authors note: The song mentioned in the imagine is "The Wolf" by Mumford and Sons.


He had never expected to fall in love with her.

From the painted overalls she wore around school to the gentle melody of the banjo she played for him when they were alone, everything about her was just... soft. Not soft like a gentle quiet person, but soft like the rolling rivers. Soft like a clean calloused hand. She was tough yet gentle at the same time. Her voice left shivers on his spine. It was something he had never heard before but it gave him this euphoric feeling.

She sang like Loretta Lynn and played like Mumford and Sons. Her songs had this warm feel to them but a hint of something else. Almost like she was telling you a secret.

She listened to a lot of different music.

"You can't be a real artist till you've at least tried everything."

They bonded over their love of punk rock music but when she introduced him to country and folk bands he knew he was a goner. He had always secretly loved singer like Johnny Cash or Earl Scruggs, so when she pulled out her vinyls of Fleetwood Mac and The Chicks he sat and listened to her sing along to them for hours.

She knew he was a ghost, she figured it out after the first 'hologram' show. It was nice to talk to someone who he didn't have to hide that from.

She was the greatest thing to him.

"Why banjo?"

She turned to him confused as the sounds of The Highwayman played through the speakers of her phone.

"Why not? It's a signature instrument in country music. Plus most people think its cool, original that I play this instrument most haven't heard before."

He laid back down on the bed and stared up at her ceiling in her room.

"How's your song going?" she asked.

"Which one?"

She sighed, "The song."

"Oh," he wondered, "The country song?"


He sighed, "Not well."

"You just have to keep practicing. Rome wasn't built in a day."

Reggie sat up on the bed, "Banjos don't have anything to do with Rome."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, "Banjos have to do with Home is where my horse is."

Reggie groaned and (Y/n) laughed.

"Bro you're seriously whipped," Luke laughed before getting a confused look on his face, "Julie did I use that right? It's whooped right?"

Julie sighed and looked up from the song they were supposed to be working on, "Yes."

Reggie rolled his eyes at his friend, "I can say the same for you."

"I'm not a simp," Luke said, looking to Julie who nodded to confirm the use of his word.

Reggie looked confused at his friend.

"If you don't ask her out she's gonna be the one that got away," Alex said from his spot on the couch.

"I know I know, I just don't know when to do it."

Julie perked up from the piano, "I can help with that."


The next concert Julie bugged me all week till I finally agreed to come, I was supposed to play at an open mic down town but their list was filled up anyways. I put on my best pair of jeans and a sparkly crop top Julie had lent me before throwing a nice jacket over top. Julie always said I looked nicest when my hair was braided so I decided to do that.

The concert was amazing, the band appearing at the beginning sent the crowd into a frenzy. I tried my best to mosh along with them.

"Alright we're going to slow it down a little bit and hand it over to my by Reg here."

I furrowed my brows in confusion, Reggie never took a solo.

"The next song we're going to sing is dedicated to a very special person."

My eyes caught Luke's, 'What's going on?' I mouthed, he only smirked in response.

Reggie slowly walked over to an instrument stand and picked up a banjo. The same banjo I had given him for his birthday, I didn't even know he could play.

He played just as effortlessly as I had tried to show him how to play for months.

"Been wondering for days
How you felt me slip your mind
Leave behind your wanton ways
I want to learn to love in kind
'Cause you were all I ever longed for"

By the time the bridge hit and Luke joined in on acoustic guitar the entire stadium was moshing again. Everyone dancing to the beat of the music and the beautiful harmonies of the band.

The end of the song brought tears to my eyes as Reggie knelt down at the front row and sang the last verse of the song staring directly into my eyes.

"Hold my gaze love, you know I want to let it go
We will stare down at the wonder of it all
And I-I will hold you in it and I-I will hold you in it

Been wondering for days
How you felt me slip your mind
Leave behind your wanton ways
I want to learn to love in kind
'Cause you were all I ever longed for"

Just like that they disappeared. I rushed backstage flashing the bouncers my pass bursting into the dressing room.

"Did you like it?" Reggie asked looking at the smile on my face.

"Did I like it? Did I like it? Reggie you just played my favorite Mumford and Sons song live on stage, and dedicated it to me. OF COURSE I LIKED IT!"

I jumped into his arms for a hug. Reggie lifted me up and spun me around effortlessly to make me giggle.

"I'm so glad you did, cause maybe you'll consider what I'm about to ask you."

I looked at him confused.

"Will you go out with me?"

I smiled and pulled him into a sweet kiss for my answer.

"So.. a yes?"

I laughed, "Yes Reggie, of course it's a yes."

He smiled and pulled me into another hug.

"Now we just gotta finish your country album and you'll be a star."

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