Little Victories (Reggie Peters x reader)

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Request: (@pleasantcashgoopstudent ) Hi can you do a Reggie x reader where he has a really big crush on her and she's suicidal and he doesn't realize until she has a relapse and the pills aren't working or something she could even have a mental breakdown he comes in just pure fluff at the end

Prompt/summary: Reader has a bad day, Reggie is there to pick up the pieces.

Word Count: 1,378

WARNING: Mentions of depression and suicidal thoughts, please read with caution!!!!


(A/N) How are you guys doing? Have you taken your meds if you have them? Have you eaten? Drank some water? Talked to someone? Please my kind to yourselves my lovely friends. My DM's are always open if anyone needs someone to talk to. I love all of you so much.

Medications were always hard to balance. People's comments didn't make things easier, if it was as easy as 'just be happy' I would have done that by now.

I did everything I could. I exercised, I took my meds, I drank lots of water, I kept my curtains open during the day, and I surrounded myself with people I enjoy being around.

That didn't mean everyday was a good day though.

The bad days could strike at any point in the week, but when they struck they drug me down hard with them. Leaving me with a pit in my stomach and a little voice in my head that was louder than normal telling me everyone hates me. It's not rational, I know that, but when you walk around every day with that voice eventually it wears you down to a point where you believe it.

Today was one of those days.

The curtains were drawn, food sat uneaten on my desk, and my recently purchased CD was blasting through my radio. I tried to get out of bed, but I didn't know where to go. I just laid there. Failing to keep my mind from wandering to the dark areas of my mind I wouldn't let myself go to on a normal day.

Normally pills were locked up and kept out of sight for my sake. The bottle that was hidden under my bed was from a few days ago when I stopped at the store to get painkillers for Julie who was on her time of the month. I had forgotten I had put them back into my bag until last night when I had found them, and everything had gone downhill from there.

The next few hours were spent by me reaching down and messing with the top of the bottle. I tried not to think about opening them, knowing where my mind would go if I started looking down at the little red pills inside the crisp white bottle. My curiosity got the better of me, I sat up and gazed down with glossy eyes at them in my hands. What would happen if I just took a few? Just a few to see what would happen.

I felt myself start to shake them out into my hands.

Then I heard the door burst open.

"Hey babe-"

I looked up to see Reggie standing there, looking at the bottle in my hand horrified.

"What are you doing?" he said loudly.

What was I doing? Tears began to run down my face as he grabbed the bottle and the pills out of my hand, running to the toilet to flush them down the drain and throwing the empty bottle into the trash.

"Baby what were you thinking?" he said. He sat down beside me on the bed and pulled me into his arms.

Tears ran down my face as I tucked myself into him, trying to become as small as I felt in that moment.

Reggie kissed my head, "We don't have to talk about it now, but we need to talk about it soon okay?"

I nodded.

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