Headcannons for being a part of the JATP cast

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I've been thinking about this so much lately and my followers on tumblr were here for it, I wrote this in like 20 minutes and I haven't done headcannons before so don't bully me.


- you almost drop your phone when you get the callback

- being so nervous to play for everyone you adjust your instrument about 16 times before you go on stage

- everyone sees you as this very nice but very shy person

- they all see the energy you have on the stage

- when the Phantoms get up to play with you, they could see the sparks flying. different from the others who auditioned.

- Madison hugs you when the song ends

-"This is it. The new band."

-you scream and cry from excitement

- group hug from the band

- the next few weeks are a dream

- you move in with Savannah and you two go on coffee runs every morning

- the cast starts to notice how you're still unsure of yourself and how you fit into the show

- cue fluffiness

- Madison giving you hugs after shooting

- Charlie randomly serenading you (again to get you to blush)

- Owen and you acting like siblings. Lot's of horse playing and messing each others hair up

- Jeremy being the dad friend of the group that makes sure you're eating and keeps the others from making fun of you too hard

- "What does WAP mean???"

- Savannah doing your hair and makeup when you hang out (queen)

- Jadah and you posting so many tiktok dances (also queen)

- you and Sacha playing music together

- random snapchats and tiktoks from set (that you technically aren't supposed to be doing but who cares)

-prank wars

- Charlie pranked you first as some weird initiation

- You pranked him back, also getting Owen and Jeremy in the process

- So now they're after you too

-recruiting Madison, Jadah and Savannah to even things out

-Sacha stays out of it cause he's seen your pranks, brutal.

-eventually Kenny pranks all of you and you call it quits (for now)

- jamming out with the band between shooting

- getting caught napping. all. the. time.

- Charlie tries to wake you up but Jeremy slaps him to let you keep sleeping

-carrying the show on your back gets tiring okay?

-Karaoke and Just Dance nights where everyone goes nuts. There might've been some broken furniture after that.

-Charlie saying 'How you doin' to get you to blush

-The fans are very receptive of you when you appear on the show

- going out to dinner when filming wraps

- taking random items from set to keep

- getting in trouble for taking said items

- Going on press tour with the cast and they all see how well you fight in with them

- Random videos of you that the cast posts, which are quickly shared in the JATP fandom

- you become a meme

- livestreams with Madison where you just make the same jokes and cover your mouth with your hand the entire time (she really does that a lot)

- you start a youtube channel that grows quickly

- (maybe coming back for season 3, 4, 5???)

- once the show finally comes to an end, tears are shed, promises are made

- staying friends with the cast and hanging out long after the finale.

- being so thankful and happy that you auditioned that day. 

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