Flustered (Reggie Peters x reader)

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Request: (wattpad @after_dark6) the reader and reggie are just hanging out and  then the reader wants to cuddle with reggie so they cuddle and reggie being sleepy and coocky tells the reader "u look really hot u know? ' and kisses the reader's neck, and the reader gets shy and flustered , blushes . reggie sees the reader blushing and tease her , the reader gets brave and kisses reggie all of a sudden then reggie is the one to get flustered.

Prompt/summary: Reggie tries to get the reader flustered

Authors note: This is probably super short whoops. I'm getting a little burnt out so I might take a break fro requests to do originals (This could be in 1995 or 2020 you decide I guess lol)


Band practice had lasted longer than normal that day. Reggie and I had already planned on hanging out after band practice and I really did not want to change that, no matter how tired I was.

"Can you stay the night?" I said.

He clicked the lock on his bass case and looked over at me, "Are your parents home?"

"No," I smiled.

"Then yeah. No where else I'd rather be baby."

Instead of going out for dinner we decided to stay home and catch up on movies we had missed out on.

We were spread out on the bed with bags of chips and candy between us as Star Wars played on the tv.

"Babe?" I said.

He looked over at me while finishing the last of the chips in his bag.

"Can we cuddle?"

He smiled, "Of course."

He moved most of the trash from the middle of the bed to the floor beside the bed before lifting the covers up so I could scoot closer to him.

I looked over at the clock to see it quickly approaching midnight. I could feel the drowsiness catching up to me. I felt him lean down and press feather light kisses to my face, starting at my forehead and going down to press a kiss to my lips making me giggle.

He pulled back and smiled, "You looked really hot today you know?"

I felt my face flush red. Reggie must've noticed because he leaned down to place a few kisses on my neck.

"Why's your face red?" he giggled.

"Because I have the most handsome boyfriend in the world calling me hot,"  I tried my best to smirk back at him.

He smiled like a goof. I pulled myself up to start placing kisses on his neck instead, giggling as I felt him sigh.

I looked up to see his face just as red as mine was a few minutes ago.

"Why's your face so red?" I laughed as he rolled his eyes.

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