The Best Date of his Life (Reggie Peters x reader)

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Request: A part two to my imagine Best Chapter of my Life!

Prompt/summary:  Reader and Reggie go out on their first date since the boys got freed from Caleb

Word Count: 809

Authors note: Omg I'm so sorry this is short I've been struggling to pick up where I left off.


Looking back on the best chapter of my life I realized how much had changed.

The boys were... 'normal'.

Well as normal as 3 ghost from 1995 can be. At least now I could walk around with Reggie and not get crazy looks from people. That turned into hanging out after band practices at the local pizza joint.

There was something weird going on between us, we were together but not together and neither of us said anything about it. We just enjoyed where we were right now.

"When are you guys going to go on a real date?" Julie teased us one night.

"Do our pizza nights not count as a real date?"

"No Reggie, you should take her out to the movies, pull some sweet moves on her. Maybe she'll finally kiss you again."

Reggie sat and thought about it for a minute. I looked up from the spot on his lap my head was rested on and giggled.

"I've never been on a date before..."

"Wha- really?" I said sitting up.

"We're going on one, right now!" I jumped up from the couch and grabbed his hand. Dragging him out to my car.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know," I said, "Reach into my glove box and grab one of the quarters I keep in there."

He reached in and pulled it out as I backed out of the driveway and hopped onto the highway.

"What do I do with this?" he said.

I kept my eyes on the road, "Flip it. If it lands on a heads we'll take the next left, if it lands tails we take the next right."

He flipped it. We drove for about 25 minutes, jamming out to music and flipping the coin. Eventually we got off the highway and onto some backroads. The coin led us to a graveyard outside of LA.

"Woah this looks sick!" Reggie said as he hopped out of the car.

I smiled and followed him in, "Don't step on any plots! You'll anger some spirits."

Reggie giggled at my superstitions and ran over to the large Willow tree that was at the edge of the graveyard.

He began to climb it and I sat down at the base, looking out over the tombstones sticking up out of the ground.

"I wonder why we ended up here," I thought out loud.

"Who knows," Reggie said as he pulled himself up on a branch, "I think it's cool though. We should do this again."

I looked up and smiled.

He hung down by his knees on the branch and I stood up so I could be eye level with him.

"Hey, spiderman kiss," He laughed.

I laughed too before pulling him closer and placing a kiss on his lips.

"That feels weird," I giggled when we pulled away.

"Well I'm sure kissing upside down isn't something we're gonna do often."

He pulled himself up to climb back down the tree, sitting down with me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"I haven't been on many dates, but this one takes the cake," he said, placing a kiss on my temple.

"Well then I'll have to try my hardest to top it then."

"Of course."

He grabbed my hand with his free one and played with my fingers, "So what other stuff did you read about in that journal?"

"Oh," I said, "Reading cars, using runestones, making simple protection charms. I started adding most of my own research and experiences into it. It's been fun. It feels like my grandmother is still connected to me."

"That sounds awesome. You should do a card reading for me."

I smiled, "I might have to charge you."

"Charge me for what?" he laughed.

"Charge you for my services, I can't do free card readings for just anyone."

He smiled and brushed some hair out of my face, "What's your price then?"

"Hmmm... an extra scoop of ice cream at that one shop we like."

"I think that's a small price to pay."

I leaned my head on his shoulder and we sat there listening to the wind rustle the leaves of the willow tree when Reggie finally spoke up.

"How do we get home from here?"

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