Chapter 1 - Taco Tuesday

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Michael, Luke, Ashton, Calum, and I were driving around in London, enjoying the scenery the day before their first show. We went to go around a turn when suddenly, a drunk driver came racing around the turn. They sped into our lane, but we couldn't get to the other lane fast enough. The other car hit our car. I saw Calum fling out of the car right beside me. Ashton, Michael, and Luke were in the now-crumpled car. I fell onto the ground and went unconscious.


*4 months earlier*

November 7, 2012

I was in school just a few days before it ended, and my stomach was hurting. It was between period five and lunch, and I couldn't wait for lunch. It was Taco Tuesday, and it was usually my favorite day to eat at school. I knew something was not right about that day because when I first smelt the tacos, I felt nauseous. I grabbed a taco, planning to give it to my boyfriend Calum. I then saw there were fruits that I would have for lunch. I knew that I wasn't allowed to have more than one, but I didn't care if I got in trouble, so I took two oranges. I was craving oranges, and I couldn't eat the tacos. I walked out of the lunch line and sat next to Calum where we usually sit. Calum's band mates Michael and Luke weren't there yet, and nobody was looking, so I gave my taco to Calum.

"What's this, Kate? Taco Tuesday is your favorite lunch day!" He exclaimed.

"I know. But today, I just.. I can't even stand the smell of the tacos, so you can have mine. Don't worry, I was craving some oranges, so I got two to eat," I smiled and began to peel the oranges.

"Okay, babe.." He shrugged and took a bite of my taco first, eating it up before anyone noticed I gave it to him.

"Kate.." He looked over at me and licked the cheese from his fingers.

"Yeah, Cal?" I sighed, turning my head towards him.

"You've been acting strange.. You don't want your taco, you are craving oranges, you can't stand the smell of the tacos, and this morning you told me you had a headache and felt like you were going to throw up.. What is going on?"

"I couldn't be pr-" I started to speak, thinking the worst. Calum must have been thinking the same thing, and he cut me off.

"No, babe.. You can't be pregnant.." He shook his head in disbelief

"Why not? You do know how this works, right?"

"Of course I do. Katie, we're sixteen. We can't take care of a baby."

"I'm not even completely sure if I'm pregnant," I rolled my eyes.

"Should we go to see a doctor after school?"

"Yeah," I nodded, sniffling and trying not to cry. How could this be happening?


When the final bell rang, I ran to my locker, grabbing my books and getting out to Calum's car so we could drive to the doctors. Calum wasn't out there yet. I waited a minute, and he came running out of the school towards me.

"Hey Cal," I said glumly when I saw him.

"Hi Kate," he seemed just as worried as I was. He got into the driver's seat, and I got into the passengers seat. We drove off as soon as we could. It seemed like Calum wanted to get there fast.

We did get there fast, because within three minutes, we were at the hospital. Calum parked the car, and we got out. We walked in, and before sitting down, we had to fill out some papers, then we were able to sit down. I was nervous, but Calum was beside me, tapping his foot, rubbing his hands together. His leg was shaking, too. I could tell he was way more nervous than me.

The nurse called my name, "Katilyn Jones?"

"That's me," I got up, grabbed Calum's hand, and walked back towards the nurse. She motioned us into a room, and I sat on the table. She looked down at the papers we filled out then looked at me.

"So you think you may be pregnant, correct?" She asked.

"Correct," I answered and nodded.

"Okay. I'll have you lay down, and we'll do an ultrasound," she smiled and motioned for me to lie back.

"Okay" I laid down, and she got the equipment out. She put the cold gel on my stomach, then moved the wand around. She looked onto the screen and pointed out a little blob on the screen.

"That's your baby!" She exclaimed as she looked at us.

"How far long am I?" I curiously asked, looking at Calum with nervous look on my face. He smile reassuringly.

"You look to be just about 6 1/2 weeks."

"Thank you," I sighed.

"You're quite welcome," she said politely before cleaning off my stomach. Calum and I left, thinking nonstop about how much our lives just changed. We would have to go home and tell his parents. I had no idea how they'd react. I knew we'd just have to find out..


You'll find out next chapter!!! Also, I'm sorry I didn't update earlier, it's just that I've had a very stressful week, and it's been very hectic. I've gotten very little time to write, and I just finished this a couple minutes ago... Hope you understand and love you guys!

Also, Add me on snapchat! @irwinxx5sos


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