Chapter 2

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5 hours ago, Al was shoved into another dark room. He tried to suppress his anxiousness by feeding himself with some rodent-like creatures as a snack.

To get an idea of what Proximeans look like, just imagine a short cylinder with a hemisphere on top, with two miniature feet sticking out from the bottom. There is a huge mouth that takes up ⅓ of the body, with sharp yellowish teeth sticking out and a slimy tongue the length of a skipping rope that can pierce through any material. Similar to Venom's head, except with 4 orangish-yellow eyes akin to a cat's.

The room lit up. The two scientists he saw earlier came up to him, one holding a reddish-orange syringe.

"Are you ready?" they squeaked in unison.
Al flashed them a cocksure smile, tiny drips of drool leaking from his mouth (the scientists gagged). "Yes. Just get on with i-"

But before he could utter another word, he felt a sharp pain on his back. He felt like he was being pelted with darts. His body almost parted in two, creating a human head with a sculpted jawline. Al's body grew toned arms, like a plant sprouting from the dirt. His stocky feet developed into long, masculine legs. His cylinder-like physique morphed into a human torso, with a blue spacesuit magically forming on his new foreign body. Al could feel his new spine lengthening. His head grew fluffy brown hair, and a straight, narrow nose formed on his face, along with 2 ears growing on the side of his head. His 4 eyes merged into one, then divided into two, while slowly turning to a hazel-brown colour. Al's face began to rip open a bit, formulating a mouth with lips. Just as he thought the piercing process was over, the nub of his new arms morphed into strong hands. His ugly, monstrous self morphed into a sculpted, strapping human body. Gasping for air with his newly-formed lungs, Al managed to squeeze in a few words between his puffs.


The two alien scientists glanced at each other, then looked at Al.

"Oh right! You're an Earthling now, so you probably can't breathe in our current air. Whoops! Lemme get you a helmet." The scientist squeaked. The two scientists rushed out of the room and came back with a blue helmet, an oxygen tank, a mirror, and a piece of paper. Al quickly put the helmet on, astounded by their unprofessionalism.

Al then grabbed a mirror with his legs, trying to see what he looked like. Unfamiliar with his foreign body, he lost balance and crashed onto the floor, the mirror shattering in a million pieces.

"Those are for moving around," the scientists giggled "Use your upper limbs."

Hands shaking, Al picked up a huge shard of glass and examined his new face. If he knew humans are this beautiful, he would choose to be a human for the rest of his life. Gazing at his handsome, proportional face through his helmet, he wondered that if that's what a male human looked like, imagine how beautiful a female human would look.

Suddenly, a burping sound came from his stomach.

Al looked down in horror. His old, sloppy mouth was still there, with his slimy tongue piercing through the astronaut suit. It was the only thing about his body that didn't change.

"Ayo, seems like the serum wasn't 100% effective."

"Well, that's too bad. Bring him some more clothes."

The scientist holding the syringe ran out of the room, while the other scientist gave him a piece of paper.

"This is an old piece of human technology called paper. Here, we've written down about your fake identity so you don't accidentally slip up and expose yourself. Your human name is 'William,' which means 'strong-willed warrior' in English. Oh and also, try to get used to talking in English, a common human language. I'm assuming that you know how to speak it, yes?"

Al nodded his head in response, indicating yes. At least that was what he learned in his Earthling Behaviours class. He knew a variety of human languages, so he was confident that it would be easy for him.

"Oui, Je sais parler Anglais."

"That's French, you dumbass ."

Al's whole face turned red with embarrassment. He hasn't even started his mission yet and he was already screwing up."Yes, I know how to speak English." he rephrased.

The scientist smiled and handed him a piece of massive luggage, containing food and his belongings. "Try to cover up your stomach as much as you can, you can't let the humans know that you're a Proximean." the scientist spoke in English. "Now into the capsule you go. Don't fail Proxima B."

Al and the scientist walked outside. Proxima B is a hot planet, with temperatures above 340 degrees celsius and periwinkle-coloured terrains. Although Proximeans are slobbery, slimy aliens, their civilization says differently. Tall, refurbished white skyscrapers towered over one another, and flying spaceships in different shapes and sizes zoomed around. Lights lit up on every skyscraper, mimicking the stars in space. Blue holograms lit up everywhere. One by one, the Proximeans stared at Al, wondering what an Earthling was doing here. Al walked towards the egg-shaped space capsule. The scientist nudged him in, shoving him his suitcase. As he entered the capsule and secured the door, he could swear he heard the faint cheers of the Proximeans.

"Al is our saviour!"

"Three cheers to our hero!"

"Don't fail us!"

The words stuck to him like glue."Don't fail."

Before he knew it, he was sent into space.

And thankfully, the Capsule bumped into the Skeld. That was exactly what was supposed to happen. The point was to get their attention, pretend to be an astronaut stranded in space, and be taken in. In the meantime, Al will figure out how to sabotage them later. 

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