Chapter 16

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Amaya, Luke, Olivia, and Finn. They were the remaining astronauts.

Who should Al kill first?

In the cafeteria, William rummaged through the kitchen drawers, trying to find a potential weapon. The weapons that the scientists provided were either heavy, broken, or have no instructions whatsoever. Relying on a butter knife instead of high-tech weapons? Sounds very unreasonable.

William planned to put suspicion on Amaya as much as possible so that she can get voted out. He sat on the blue cafeteria benches, scheming his next murder.

He tried to focus on his mission, but his mind drifted to Finn.

Why does Finn love me? Does he like me or love me? What does he think of me as? What will happen if he finds out that I'm a killer?

Why do I love him? It's weird to be attracted to a different species, right? Well, it's not that weird because I'm a human. Maybe I love him because he's attractive. That he has tan skin, a toned figure, and beautiful sea-green eyes? No, no, no, this isn't love. That's desire. I love him because he has a good personality, right? He's tough and brave, yet vulnerable and sensitive, just like me. He is kind and caring. No, I like those qualities of him, but that's not why I love him, right?

William fidgeted with the butter knife. So why do I love him? Why did I feel an attraction to him when I held his hand? William interlocked his own fingers to mimic the memory of holding Finn's hand, but it didn't feel quite right.

I'll kill anyone that comes into this room and escape through the vent. Simple. Don't overthink it.

Finn strolled into the cafeteria.


"Hey William," Finn called.

William quickly hid the knife behind his back. "Hey Finn," William replied.

"Don't mind me, I'm just going to get a quick snack," Finn said, trying to start a conversation.

Kill him now or you're going to die in 65 hours.

"You want anything to eat?"

What are you doing? Stop mooning over him!

"No thanks, I'm full from eating all the gruel," William responded.

You're a terrible assassin, Al.

Finn gave him a flirty smile and left. William blushed once more. 

The five world leaders of Proxima B held a rendezvous with the two stubby scientists watching Al. Their four cat-like eyes looked serene yet intimidating.

They all sat at a long, holographic table. The room was snow-white, contrasting against the purple table. The five governors of Proxima B sat at the left side of the table, and the two scientists sat at the right. Al's boss sat at the short end of the table.

"Greetings, the government of Proxima B and two of you amateurish scientists. We are here to discuss our fate of this planet." Al's boss began. One of the governors tried to stifle a yawn.

The boss is wearing a mask, but the governor who yawned can feel the boss' glare. "We all know that the Earthlings are coming to this planet," The boss continued, "Knowing that humans are naturally selfish, we can infer that they are coming to Proxima B to dominate our land."


"So we sent Al, our greatest soldier and assassin, to spy on the humans and kill them all. To act like an astronaut lost in space and enter the human spacecraft. Acting like a human when in reality, he is an impostor. Unfortunately, I learned that he is a traitor. Not only is he an impostor on the human spacecraft, but he is also an impostor on our planet as well."

Hearing the news, everyone's eyes widened in shock. The two scientists didn't seem surprised.

"A traitor?" one governor questioned.

"How is this possible?!" another exclaimed.

"Betraying your kind for a selfish species?"


"That means our plan failed!"

The governors of Proxima B hurled a barrage of questions.

"Everyone quiet down." The boss said sternly. Everyone listened.

"The two scientists monitoring Al told me everything. It seems like Al decided to work with the Earthlings and help them take over our planet. Giving him a shorter time limit didn't seem to work, so we are going to kill the Earthlings ourselves, Al included." The boss informed.

"So what are we going to do?" the world leaders shook in unison.

One of the scientists stood up. "We have to send another worker or two up there to stop Al and the humans!"

Everyone murmured in agreement.

"If that is the case, I will be the one going to the spacecraft. I don't trust anyone but myself," The boss announced. "You two, put me in a capsule right now. Meeting dismissed."

The scientists scurried out of the room.

Before the boss got up to leave, one of the world leaders stood up from the seat. "But what about us?"

The boss didn't bother to look back at the governors. 

"Go prepare the troops. We are going to have a war against Earth." 

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