Chapter 13

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It's annoying how no one on the Skeld cares about your opinion.

The bald-headed, purple astronaut sat in the communication room, trying to find the error in the comms machine. After the deaths of 3 people, he needed to contact NASA and Mira HQ about this immediately.

Luke knew that Aaron did not murder Ethan, because Aaron kept giving him "orders" while he sat at the navigation center, acting arrogant as ever. It was Aaron's first time being a Commander, and his dumbass didn't know that he didn't need to monitor the navigation ship every second. Even Luke knew that. He doubted that the sabotaging of the machine was Aaron's doing.

Tiny, orange sparks appeared on the machine's wires. Luke clenched his fist, feeling victorious that he fixed the comms machine. He can report back to NASA! Now the crewmates can finally give him recognition. He can find the impostor easily now, and—

The static sounds died down, as if the machine showed no interest in cooperating with Luke.

Luke slammed his hands on the machine, yelling and cursing. "FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! WASTING MY FUCKING TIME FOR NOTHING." He kicked the table in frustration, stubbing his big toe in the process. "OWWW—"

"Oookay, bye I guess," Olivia said awkwardly, about to exit the comms room after just walking in a few seconds ago. Luke turned around to see his crush, his jaw dropping to the floor.

Luke hated himself for thinking this, but he was relieved that Ethan was dead. He was pretty sure that Olivia had her eyes on Ethan. At least Olivia showed a bit of attention to Luke, unlike the other crewmates. It's like she was his only friend.

Luke faced away from Olivia, doing a breath test with his hand. He turned back around, looking nervous as ever. "Oh, um h-hi Olivia. Wh-what are you d-doing here?"

Olivia smirked, her lovely blue eyes peering at Luke, as if she knew his feelings towards her. "I came to check on the comms machine. Judging by the looks of it, it seems like things aren't going too well."

"Oh well, it malfunctioned. I don't think we will be contacting NASA about the murder anytime soon," Luke stated matter-of-factly.

"Hm," Olivia grabbed a seat, sitting closely next to Luke. "Well, that's unfortunate."

"Hey, um, are you okay? After ejecting Aaron into space, you started acting weird," Luke asked, clearly concerned about Olivia's mental health.

Olivia hesitated, looking uncomfortable.

Luke noticed her mannerisms. "I'm sorry, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"Don't apologize. I don't really want to talk about it right now," Olivia said. "But I know for sure that if I wanted to talk about it, you'll be the first person I'll talk to," she reassured.

The first person I'll talk to. Olivia's words stuck to Luke, ingrained in his brain.

For the first time, Luke felt needed. As if he has some kind of purpose.

But first, he was determined to figure out who the real killer was. 

The other tasks can wait. This is his new task now. 

The Impostor Among Us - an "Among Us" storyWhere stories live. Discover now