Chapter 14

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William ran to Medbay, trying to find a way to treat his impaled hand. With his left hand, he frantically tried to open the clear, sly-blue cabinets with no knobs. He banged on the cabinet uselessly, worrying that he was going to bleed to death.

William felt heroic about saving Finn from his piercing Proximean tongue, but something felt very wrong when he pushed him away to protect him. Did Finn see my hand puncture? What would he think of me now? He couldn't decide whether he should punish himself for avoiding an easy and effective kill back there. William could have killed Finn, but he chose to sacrifice his hand to protect Finn from himself. Seeing the crestfallen look in Finn's eyes after William broke the kiss, it's clear that Finn thinks he pushed him for a completely different reason. Do the pros outweigh the cons?

Amaya entered Medbay, her eyes widening when she saw William's bloody hand. "Oh my god, what is up with your hand?" She lightly tapped on the medical cabinets twice and they opened automatically, white smoke trailing out of the cabinet.

I should have known.

William tried not to flinch when Amaya quickly poured a variety of ointments directly on his wound. It was agonizing when Amaya stitched the palm of his hand up without warning.

"I'm surprised that you aren't screaming," Amaya noted, wrapping his hand up with white bandages. William didn't respond.

Right after Amaya finished securing his bandage with a pin, William sprinted out of Medbay.

"Hey!" Amaya shouted, "A 'thank you' would be nice, you ungrateful newbie!"

Al's thoughts of completing his mission drowned out Amaya's voice.

He has 179 hours left. There's no time to waste.

His first intimacy with a guy, gone horribly right yet so perfectly wrong.

Finn couldn't describe it any better.

As he lay on William's bed in the dark, Finn touched his hands together, trying to recreate the way William held his hand. He stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out exactly why William pushed him away. Maybe, just like Finn, he has never kissed a guy before and is new to it. Maybe he felt uncomfortable and still trying to figure out his sexuality, and realized that he is straight after kissing a guy for the first time. Maybe William was ashamed of himself for kissing a guy. Maybe William only saw Finn as a friend, and never really loved him in the first place. But William said that he loved him, though. So why did their lips part?

Finn held his hand tighter, interlocking his fingers together, but it didn't quite match the way how William held his hand.

That romantic episode he'd just went through felt perfect. The realization of the fact that he and William were meant to be made Finn almost tear up. Almost.

His father's voice infiltrated Finn's thoughts. "Men don't cry. When will you ever understand that? Get your act together, you little shit," his father used to say. What would his dad say about him now if he found out that he kissed a boy?

Finn squashed that voice down. He needed to talk to William. But not now, obviously.

Emily knocked on the door. "Finn?"

Finn didn't answer.

Emily barged in and turned the light on. "I thought we can try to get to know each other, since, you know, we're crewmates and stuff."

Again, Finn didn't answer.

"Listen, I know this is a hard time for all of us, especially how the Commander has died, along with my boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend. And what are you doing here? I thought we were supposed to be doing your tasks."

Finn focused on the ceiling. "Can you please leave me alone?"

Emily left, forgetting to close the door behind her. Finn didn't bother to get down from the bunk bed to close it.

177 hours remaining. William kicked Emily's dead body at the corner of the Electrical room. His Proximean tongue licked her blood off the yellow helmet. This time, he didn't hesitate to use his slimy, pointy tongue to pierce through Emily's head.

"At least Emily can reunite with Ethan," William muttered, rubbing splattered blood off of his helmet. 

William lowered into the vent, trying to avoid thinking about Finn. He tried to focus and plan his murder, but his mind kept drifting to Finn. He clutched his sweaty palm, finally accepting the fact that he doesn't have the heart to kill Finn.

Replaying the moment between Finn and him, William felt sick to his stomach.

Sooner or later, he will have to kill Finn, whether he liked it or not.

All of this effort for the awards and fame back on Proxima B, right?

But is it worth it?

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