Chapter 4

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First things first, Al needs to figure out how to disable the communication between the Skeld and Earth without the astronauts on board knowing. That way, when someone dies, they wouldn't be able to notify the humans back on Earth. They'll have to rely on themselves because they can't trust each other. He thought to himself, a wicked grin spreading on his face. An interrupting thought wormed his way into his plan. Wait, how am I going to do that? I have no idea how human technology works.

His Proximean mouth gurgled loudly, his slobbery tongue dangling out. Al sat upwards, frantically trying to quiet down his stomach so it would shut up. His stomach/mouth closed, and Al sighed in relief.

"Feeling better, William?" a male voice asked.

William tensed. He waited for his heart to fill with hatred, determined to defeat all the greedy, evil humans coming to claim Proxima B, his home planet, for themselves.

But instead, his heart fluttered.

What the hell? Why am I feeling this way? Al thought to himself.

"Yeah, it's getting better," he replied.

"I brought you something to eat," the pink astronaut said. He gave William a chocolate chip cookie wrapped in plastic. "Our snacks usually taste stale, so this is the best we've got."

Al examined the cookie. Unlike his usual food back on Proxima B, this cookie isn't alive and moving. Trying to act as normal as possible, he used his human jaw to take a bite instead of his Proximean mouth. "You forgot to unwrap it," the pink astronaut laughed, taking the cookie and unwrapping it for him. "Here." William took a bite of the cookie, savouring the sweetness of the chocolate and sugar.

"This is so good," William told the pink astronaut. "I'm Finn, by the way," The pink astronaut said. Finn sat down on a nearby chair. "Where are you from?" Al tried to think of an answer, despite having very little knowledge of the Earth's geography. "I don't share personal information with strangers," William joked with a playful smirk. "Well, if that's the case, I guess I have to be friends with you to find out, hm?" Finn grinned. William laughed. He could tell that he and this Finn guy are going to be good friends.

"Hey, I'm going to the communication room to do some tasks, you wanna come with me?" Finn asked. "Since you might be staying here with us for a long time, you can view this as a mini-tour. Then—"

"YES." Al babbled, cutting Finn off. Al's first concern is solved, now he doesn't need to worry where the communication center is after all. "Uh, great! Come with me." Finn said, surprised at William's excitement.

Al got up, struggling to maneuver his human body. One foot in front of the other. That's how humans walk. Get yourself together, you got this, William encouraged himself. He slowly got out of bed, trying to maintain his balance.

"We are currently in the storage area, where we store our belongings and everything else," Finn said. "If you go down the hallway on the right, that's where the comms room is."

Al kept telling himself that he is only using Finn to do his mission, NOT to spend time getting to know him. There's no point in trying to befriend him. You're going to kill him afterwards anyway. William chastised himself. He knew that wasn't true at all; the pink astronaut sparked his interest. It was probably the loving sea-green eyes that made him feel welcomed. Or maybe I'm just getting used to my human body, and those were the side effects. I'm probably not attracted to him at all. He's—

He stopped walking. Don't worry. It's just the serum's side effects.

"So I'm going to fix the... you good?" Finn looked at him, mildly concerned. William's alien mouth gurgled. He could feel his Proximean tongue, millimetres away from piercing through his spacesuit. Al pressed his hand against his stomach, stopping his tongue from exposing his true identity.

"Yeah, it's nothing," Al replied. Finn furrowed his brows. Finn turned back around to continue his task. Without him noticing, William walked towards the main communication machine. This must be how the humans stay in touch. Back in Proxima B, Proximeans used holograms for calling each other. Human technology is so... simplistic.

It wouldn't take long for me to sabotage this. Al thought. But how was he going to do that without Finn noticing? William walked towards the machine, pretending to examine it. He stealthily meddled with the wires, trying to disconnect them with each other. Sabotage completed. He quickly turned back around, continuing to look around the room, as if nothing happened.

What William didn't notice was the Commander walking by the comms room, watching him sabotage the machine.

A/N: The Skeld Map is from Google

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