Chapter 19

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"If you just listened to me, then we wouldn't be having this problem right now!" Olivia yelled, gritting her teeth.

"I wouldn't take advice from you, especially when I'm more experienced in tech," Luke shot back.

"If you're 'experienced,' then why is our Comms machine still broken? At this rate we're going, we'd be dead in a matter of seconds!"

Luke huffed and kicked his chair. "Oh well. The best we can do is to try to find the impostor before the rest of us die."

Olivia stiffened, thinking of her fear of death. "I mean, you could have been the real killer all along, trying to put the blame on others and acting innocent."

"WHAT?" Luke said, flabbergasted. "Are you du— If I'm the murderer, then you'd be dead already! I thought you were smart enough to know that!"

"Maybe you didn't kill me because you have a crush on me."


The purple astronaut forced a laugh. "Pfft, that's not true. Where did you hear that from?"

"It's pretty obvious, actually."

"Well, I don't like you at all. Me having a crush on you? Never gonna happen in a million years."

"I'll die anyway, so might as well admit it," Olivia advised.

"I LIKE YOU. Happy now?" Luke huffed. "And I'm not the impostor. Jesus."

Olivia fidgeted with her hair. Both of them stared at the communication machine, unsure of what to do.



"Why do you like me, anyway?"

Luke bit his lip. "You're unique, smart, stubborn, confident, and more. I could write an essay about every single attribute I like about you."

Olivia smiled. "I'm flattered, but I don't think we're the perfect partner for each other, you know?"

Luke's flirty grin vanished. "Oh. Yeah, I know. I'm just, you know, complimenting you. I mean, I used to like you when we first met, but I totally got over it a long time ago," he lied.

Olivia didn't say a word.

"I'm gonna go," Luke said, wanting to step out of this awkward atmosphere.

"Where are you going?" Olivia questioned. "We're supposed to stick together. If you die, how am I supposed to know who killed you?"

"I'll come back soon," Luke responded, trying not to look back.

"Uh hello? Are you trying to throw your life away? Come back here, you're making a stupid decision!" Olivia demanded.

Well, she isn't wrong. 

The Impostor Among Us - an "Among Us" storyWhere stories live. Discover now