Chapter 21

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As a flood of emotions washed over Finn, he fixed his eyes on Luke's body, not wanting to look at the only person he loved.

"'re not human?" Finn whispered.

William froze, realizing the situation.

"So you were the killer all along?" Finn screamed, heartbreak and betrayal rolling down his face. "How can you just show up on our ship and just decide to murder innocent people?"

"I didn't have a choice!" William cried, "Finn, let me explain—"

Finn punched him in the nose, but William didn't attack back, letting his nose bleed instead.


William stayed silent, struggling to find the right words to say.

"How could you do this to me," Finn shouted, "you tricked me into thinking that you felt the same way when you were just trying to stab me behind my back!"

"No! That's not true! Finn, please—"

"Wish granted, William! You can kill me now, you alien," Finn yelled, turning around.

"I can't!" William said, choking back tears, "You have no idea how much you mean to me. If you're gone, I'll decide to go with you too."

"Bullshit! Shedding crocodile tears doesn't mean anything to me..."

"I'm serious, Finn! I mean it!"


Olivia stood at the doorway with a scared expression. "William... it was you?"

Al knew it was the end for him. His true identity has been exposed. Sooner or later, he will have to face his boss and the government. What will they do to him now? All of Proxima B will label him as a traitor, failure, and a disgrace. Al ruined his relationship with Finn because he wasn't careful about his actions.

Olivia backed away, seeing William pulling out a butter knife. Instead of attacking her, William faced the tip of the knife to his own heart. He knew that he had no choice but to eliminate himself.

In a flash, Finn snatched the knife away from William and tossed it to the ground. William lost balance and fell to the ground. But what shocked him the most was what Finn said in the next few seconds—

"Olivia, it was me, not William. I was the real killer all along."

Wait, what? Finn is innocent!

But why did he—

Dumbfounded, Olivia tried to comprehend what just happened. "B-but... I heard your c-conversation..." she spluttered, "he killed L-Luke..."

"It was all an act," Finn shouted, "I told William to do the killing and threatened to throw him off the ship if he didn't obey me."

William immediately understood what was going on. He turned to Finn. "Finn, you dumbass! What are you doing?!"

Finn stared at the butter knife surrounded by Luke's puddle of blood. "My father would be disappointed in me." He shifted his eyes to William.

"Because I still love you."

William looked down, trying to hide his guilt. After everything he has done, Finn still chose to sacrifice himself for him. But why? What did Finn see in him? So many questions left unanswered.

He reflected on his actions. Why did he choose this mission? To get paid and become labelled as a hero. William chose to do this because he can benefit from the rewards. William started to tear up again. Seeing how Finn was willing to protect him shows a major difference between Finn and him. William cares about wealth and fame, while Finn cares about his close friend. What did Finn see in William that made him fall in love? William has asked Finn that question, but he was unable to give a response. Finn was able to provide so much for William. Finn was the first person that allowed him to experience this much affection in his life. And yet, William didn't have anything to give back to Finn.

If you kill Finn and Olivia now, you won't have to carry the weight of guilt on your shoulders.

You and I both know that is true.

The decisions you make lead to unfortunate events.

William squashed his intrusive thoughts, trying to think of a choice.

Out of nowhere, a masked figure appeared. Its long, Proximean tongue wrapped around Olivia's body, like a cobra strangling its prey. Before Olivia could scream, the masked figure squeezed her tighter and tighter until she burst in half. William and Finn shielded their eyes from the splattering blood.

"Oops, what a gory mess I made!" the masked figure snickered.

William immediately knew who the masked figure was.

"Boss... what are you doing here?"

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