Chapter 4: New Magic

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~ Natsu's POV ~

For some reason, Dallie wanted me to follow her behind a boulder. "Why are we back here?" I asked her. "I'm going to ask you something and your not going to lie to me." She said.

"Promise you won't lie." "I promise... what is it?" She just looked at me for a minute. "Do you have feelings for Lucy?"

"Well... it depends on what you mean." I said. "I mean as in a more than a friend way."

"I... guess...I-I do." Do I really like Lucy that way. It makes sence, I never want to see her hurt, it makes me sad when she cries...... Oh my god, I-I-I love Lucy!? "Yeah I do...... in fact," I felt heat coming to my face.

"In fact what!?" Ok, she sounded a bit too excited saying that. "I love Lucy." Wait, what's that smell? Strawberries and.... vanilla!? Oh crap, Lucy. I spun around and saw her... Lucy...with tears in her eye's. "You heard me didn't you." I asked.

"Yeah....I did." I walked up to her and hugged her. She started crying. Wow, her heart beat is going crazy right now...... I can't believe I do that when I'm near her. But how!? Oh crap does she! That's when she wispered in my ear.

"I love you to.....Natsu." I was stunned. Did she really just return my feelings!? Something came over me and telling me to kiss her. But I only pecked her cheek. When I pulled away I looked at her..... she was as red as a cherry.

~ Lucy's POV ~

He-he kissed me. Not on the lips... BUT STILL! "So what does this make us?" "NALU!!!" I heard someone yell. "What!?" Natsu and I said. "Nalu.... it's the first two letters of your names put together." Erza said.

"Mira came up with it. You know how she's always pairing up her friends that she thinks would look cute together.... well that's your pairing nickname." Levy-chan added.

All of the sudden Gajeel, Jellal, Gray and the exceeds come out of no were. "What are all of you doing here!?" Natsu and I yelled. "Well I herd someone scream Nalu so we got here a.s.a.p." Gray said.

"They lllllllike eachother!" Happy said. As an answer, Natsu kissed me on the cheek. "So what." He said. "Get over it." He added. He was acting so casual about it.... it made me smile.

"C'mon...... can you two stop already.... I feel sick." Gajeel said. Oh, I've got a good comeback this time bolt face, hehehe! "You wouldn't feel sick if it were you and Levy-chan now would you, hmm!?"

~ Gajeel's POV ~

Would I? I don't know. I do always want to protect the shrimp. But she's my guild mate so that's normal... right? Oh, whatever.

"Look Bunny-girl, that's a bit too far." "Seriously Lu-chan way too far." Levy said agreeing with me. "But he's not denying it." She pointed out. "Shut it before I make you." I said.

Natsu stepped out in front of her. "Your not laying a finger on her, ya got that." Danm, he looks really pissed at me. "Got it."

~ Edallia's POV ~

"Instead of trying to kill eachother, why don't we help the girls with thier magic." I said glancing between Levy and Lucy. "She's right guy's. They need to learn how to control thier magic." Natsu said.

It looks a little past noon.... a great time to learn magic. "Lucy, Levy I'm going to help you activate your magic." I ran off and got a book from under one of the tree's.

I haven't seen this book in ages. I made my way back to the cove. "You girls ready?" I asked, they nodded. I walked up to them, opened the book to the correct page then set it down in front of them.

"Give me your hands." They obeyed. I chanted the entire Dragon Slayer Spell that gives them all the abillities of a dragon. "Cliyeme-vas esten mete clavor de vara!"

~ No one's POV ~

As Edallia chanted the spell they felt a rush of energy come from the ground. After Edallia finished, Lucy and Levy, fell back words and hit the soft, grass covered floor of the forest.

Everyone ran up to the girls to see if they were ok.

~ Natsu's POV ~

"They will be fine......... Natsu, Gajeel, come here." We did as we were told. "Yeah, what is it?" "I don't think the entire Dragon Slayer Spell was cast on you when you were younger." Dallie said.

"Were did you get that idea!?" Gajeel and I said. "If the entire spell is cast on someone younger that 12 they will die." "Oh." Really Natsu, oh, that's all I could come up with? I really am an idiot aren't I.

"Well do you want me to cast the second part of the spell on you two?" "Why not... it'll make us stronger right!?" "Yup." "Then fire away."

"I need your hands." So both of us gave her one of our hands "Mete clavor de vara!" "Why do I feel so dizzy?" I asked. "It's just the magic energy." "Ok then."

"Hey Nastu, Lucy's awake!" Erza yelled. Before I knew what was happening I was running towards her. "Hey Natsu." She said and smiled at me. "Hey Luce."

~ Lucy's POV ~

"How do you feel?" Edallia asked me. "I feel great actually!" "Good to hear." "Hey, Dallie." I'm guessing that's her nickname. "Yes Natsu." "What does the second part of the spell do?"

"Well.... once your powerfull enough you can get dragon wings....... and eventually turn into a full fledged dragon, kinda like I can." I'm pretty sure that everyone turned to face her. "What!?" Levy-chan and I yelled.

"Yup! Pretty cool, huh!"

~ Levy's POV ~

I had barely gotten up when I saw Lu-chan talking to Edallia, so I went to see what they were talking about.....but when I stood up, I just fell down. But before I could hit the ground, someone grabbed my hand.

I looked up and saw none other than Gajeel. "You ok there Shrimp?" He asked getting me back on my feet. "Thanks to you." He just half smirked and helped me walk for a little. "Thanks Gajeel." "Don't worry about it."

"So how ya feeling, you being a Dragon Slayer now." I don't know, I definitely feel stronger. "I feel great. Kinda still getting used to all this magic energy, but other than that I feel great." "Good to hear."

~ Gajeel's POV ~

"I can walk on my own now." "Ok, but I'll stay close by incase you fall again." Danm, why do I act like a big softy around her!? Maybe it's because she's small!? No, that's not it. Ugh, I don't know.

I herd Shrimp and Bunny-girl yell "What!?" So I ran over to them. "What's going on?" I asked. "Edallia just told us what the second part of the spell does." Levy said.

"It turns out we can get dragon wings... and eventually turn into full on dragons." Lucy added. I looked at Edallia. I'm pretty sure my jaw hit the floor. "Are you serious!?" Edallia nodded her head. "Oh, crap."

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So.... I hope you liked chapter 4!!! Do you guys like Edallia!? Anyhoo... I'm really excited about the next chapter. I'm gonna start wright in it right meow. Yes I just said meow.... anyway.....BYE!!!

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