Chapter 5: Guardian of the Fairies

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~ Edallia's POV ~

   "Natsu, Gajeel, I can tell that you're already powerful enough to get the first part of your Dragon transformation...... which is Dragon wings." "Really!?" The two said.

   "Yes. But I also have something to ask all of you." They all turned and faced me signaling me to speak. "Would it be alright if I joined your guild?"

   They all looked shocked. "You want to join!?" Lucy asked excitedly. "Yes, you guys have been very kind. So I assume most of the people in Fairy Tail are also."

   "Well the place can get really routy at times." Levy added. "I'm fine with that. I don't expect Fiore's #1 guild to be boring and doing nothing all day."

   "Anyways, we're would you get your guild mark?" Gray asked. That's a good question. Oh! I know! "I would get it on the right side of my neck. And when I morph into a dragon, the mark would grow with me."

   "Then why don't we catch a train." Erza said. I felt my blood run cold when she said train. "Dallie, you ok? Your really pale." Natsu said. "Can I just fly... or walk. I'd rather not die of motion sickness."

   "Oh, don't worry about it, I have motion sickness potions." Lucy said with a cheery voice. "Oh, thank god." I let out a slight bit of my breath weapon while letting out the breath I had been holding in.

   "You two want your wings right?" I asked. "Of course!" Natsu and Gajeel yelled. "Then come here and turn around."

They did as I told them.

   "Just to let you know when your wings come in it's gonna feel like flaming swords coming threw your shoulder blades." I informed them. They nodded. I put my one of my hands between their solder blades.

   "E-stae clu myen." The boys screamed and fell to the floor. "By back feels so heavy." Natsu said. "That's because you have wings silly." Lucy said.

~ Natsu's POV ~

   "That's because you have wings silly." I stood up. "Imagine moving your arms if they were attached to your shoulder blades." I'm guessing that's how I move my wings. "Thanks Dallie." I smiled at her.

   I looked to Gajeel. His wings look awsome! They fade from metalic black to a gray to silver. I out stretched my wings. Mine also have that effect. They start as ruby red to fire orange to gold.... and there kinda shimmery.

   "Wow," Lucy gasped. "They look really good." She added. I felt heat creep up to my face. "Thanks." I said. I walked up to her and hugged her. She hugged me back.

   "Luce." She looked up at me. "Yeah." "Does this make us a thing, is in like... together." What she did next suprised me. She kissed me. I was shocked, then I kissed her back.

   She pulled away, all too soon for my liking. "I'll take that as a yes." I said smiling. "Awwwww!" Everyone but Gajeel said. He passed out with a slight tint of green on his face. "They lllllove eachother!" Happy said.

   Lucy kissed my cheek. "And? What's the big deal!?" She stepped into the sun while saying that. "Luce," "What is it?" "Your skin." I pointed towards her arm, she looked at it.

   "I told you that would happen." Dallie said. Her skin was shimmering in the sun light. "We should be going." Erza said. "Why don't we fly!?" Dallie said. "Cause not all of us have wings." Erza pointed out.

   "I'll turn into a dragon and give you guys a ride then." Dallie said simply. "Really!?" Everyone but Gajeel and I said. "Alright then let's go!" With a flash of teal light, Dallie was one again a dragon.

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