Chapter 16

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Harry Styles

I shifted on the seat and stared at the imbecile. If he thought I'm playing around he better think again.

I'm a very sore looser. I don't like loosing. Especially from decrapledled old man like him.

"I can loose my licence if I'm caught." He said nervously.

Good. I thought. At least I make him nervous.

"You'll loose your licence regardless of what you do. You have so much shit under that big fucking fat coat of yours." I told him and leaned back.

"It would be easier to get married in court. That's legal. And you said she's of age. I don't see what the problem is." He tried persuading me.

"Frankly I don't pay you to see any problems. I pay you to do what I say." I told him getting annoyed and pissed because of his back and forth. "Will you or will you not get me the papers?"

I asked him and he began fiddle with his fingers.

"I don't think I can." He said but I don't think he understood.

I groaned and slammed my hand on his table softly.

"I can always get another judge-"

"Yes that would be best I deal with criminal justice only." He cut me off nodding but I wasn't done.

"-to get the job done but that would be a lot of work." When I finished his face fell. "Your daughter is still at school right?"

His whole face contorted with confusion.

"Your wife is at the mall right now." I continued to tell him.

"Leave my family out of it." He stood and shouted.

"Calm down dear ol' judge. I'm just making an observation." I told him and he timidly sat down.

"Please don't involve my family. They have nothing to do with this." He pleaded. He looked almost defeated.

"I agree. They are not as evil as you are but I'm sure detective Lars would love all the files and evidence I have against you." I told him but I wasn't bluffing. "Imagine being locked up with all those criminal you put away. Some very innocent. Your daughter will be left with no father and let's not mention that useless hag you call a wife. She'll get rid of that kid fast. All she knows is to shop and attend fancy dinner. She can't even wash a spoon."

He's been working for the cartel for some time keeping members of the cartel out of prison and planting evidence, framing innocent citizen.

I have all the proof I need to sink his ship and more.

And he knew I wasn't bluffing either. His eyes widened.

"Are you blackmailing me?" He asked very frustrated and nervous as well.

I'm very sure at that moment he saw his life flashing before his eyes. He knew he can't go to prison. Half the criminal in there were put by him.

Some of them framed.

"Oh no! It's a crime to blackmail a Judge don't you know. From where I'm standing you have two options." I told him. "You either get me the papers and I pay you very handsomely or you get me the papers and I don't pay you."

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