I'm fine guys really!

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The Next Day

Virgil's P.O.V

I started waking up hoping yesterday wasn't a dream. When I opened my eyes I saw Roman, Patton, and Logan staring at me and talking about me I blushed and covered my face "W-what are y-you guys d-doing!" I said and all of them chuckled "We were just talking about how cute you are!" Patton said and I blushed even more "W-what? I'm not cute!" I said but they all disagreed "Honestly Virgil you are indeed cute" Logan said and I just covered my face "N-no im not!" I said they just chuckled and giggled at me again "Yes you are" Roman said "Yeah what Roman said!" Patton said "You know what i give up" I said and i rolled over and hid my face in a pillow. They just giggled at me again. I felt someone pick me up and I clinged onto whoever was picking me up and kept my eyes glued shut. "You don't have to be so scared" Roman said so I opened my eyes and loosened my grip a little "Sorry i had no idea who it was so I kinda just did that just in case it was someone bad im sorry!!!" I Said as I looked down thinking I was gonna be hit or punished. "Hey no need to apologize you didn't do anything wrong i just didn't want you to be uncomfortable that's all" Roman said as he started to lightly pet me on the head. I tried to suppress the purr but i couldn't so i just stopped trying. "Aww your so cute Virgil!" Patton said "No im not!!" I said "I'm supposed to control the summer, not be cute!!" I said I seriously don't see how they find me cute. Most people find me ugly because my fur looks like a sunset. "You can control the summer and be cute at the same time you realize that right?" Logan said being smart like normal "I know but I don't understand how yall find me cute!" I said "How do you not see how cute you are I mean look at you! You have such pretty fur and you just act super cute!!" Patton said almost squealing at how cute I apparently am "But most people think my fur is ugly why do you like it?" I asked because it's true no one likes my fur like that "Who tells you that? Your fur is beautiful!" Roman said "No i don't but ok" I say then my stomach rumbles "Shut up stomach" I say it rumbles again and I groan and the other giggle "Looks like your stomach is arguing with you" Roman says while giggling. "Yeah because i'm hungry" I say as my stomach rumbles again "Welp i guess that's my que to go make breakfast" Patton said as he was getting up "You don't have to i've gone days without eating if you don't want to make breakfast" I said with a little more enthusiasm than I should have. "WHAT!!!" All of them say at the same time and Patton ran down the stairs starting to make breakfast immediately "What's wrong" I said utterly confused "Virgil that is highly unhealthy for you and you will eat breakfast no buts about it you can get sick from not eating!" Logan says highly concerned "I know" I said "But i haven't so i should be good" I said trying to tell him i'm fine and i wont get sick "You could be fine right now but later on you could get very sick and end up dying if you don't eat!" Roman says also very concerned "Guys i'm fine, I promise!" I say "Still you're going to eat" Logan says "Fine i'll eat" I say rolling my eyes "Don't roll your eyes at me!" Roman says very dramatically, I do it again "Virgil you might want to stop Roman get angry easily" Logan says "I do not!!" Rman says affendidly "From what you just said you definitely do" I say teasing him "Don't make me get Patton on you!" Roman says "Let me see you try!" I say as I jump off the bed and run out the door Roman not to far behind

Cliffhanger!!! Hope you guys enjoyed it! 

(Words 713)

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