Behind The Series

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Welcome everyone to my 'Behind The Series' book where I give you short chapters to keep you all entertained whilst waiting for the next update for my Hermione x Male Reader series. Much like why movies have behind the scenes, I'm hoping that this book provide you guys an insight and more information to my series since I didn't write everything to full detail and I'm sure you will have a tonne of questions and more. It's quite self explanatory, this is basically a behind the scenes book for my Hermione Granger series.

Here's what you can probably expect to be in the book:
- One shots
- Backstories for characters
- Q and A's
- Random discussions
- A tonne of random stuff regarding my series, maybe even a bit about myself as well if you're interested

As for updates, I'm not going to put a schedule here just in case I change it but you can find my update schedule in my bio. The only thing I am certain is that this book will not be updated on the days I update the main book.

That's about it really, if you have any questions, feel free to comment or DM me. Oh and a disclaimer: you probably want to read the series first because you might be a bit confused (regarding spoilers, I'll let you know at the beginning of each chapter which book it is set in).

So, without further ado, I present to you: Behind The Scenes.

Kieran :)

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