11. Hogwarts' Heartthrob

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Spoilers from book three, Prisoner of Azkaban.

Inspired by pk1212qwqw's comment:
'Yo there should we a story where Y/N is a player but still likes Hermione.'

This is set in the Half-Blood Prince but contains no spoilers from that book since this is a separate AU one shot that doesn't take place in the same timeline as the main series. However, there are things about Y/N that are revealed in book three. If you got any ideas for one-shots let me know! Anyways, enjoy!

Third Person's POV

Y/N Black. How he lived up to his father's name. He would go around sleeping with at least a new girl each week, leaving them the morning after he had spent the night with them.

Girls wouldn't care though, it would be an honour for them to be able to hook up with the H/C boy. The longest relationship Y/N found himself in was probably a month. It was never more than a month.

In all honesty, there was a reason behind why Y/N acted this way. It was to get the attention of the bookworm, Hermione Jean Granger. It seemed like the bushy-haired girl would barely give Y/N a second glance, thinking that he was too cocky for his own good.

Everything that Y/N did, every girl that he got with, was in hope that it would attract Hermione's attention. But it never did.

Until one day in the library, Hermione was enjoying a book and Y/N and his new girl for the week were crashing into the bookshelves, making out with each other. Y/N was about to hastily remove the other girl's top but was interrupted by a very disgusted Hermione.

"Ahem." she coughed. "This is library if you haven't forgotten. Not a strip club, not a hotel room, not your dormitory. The library where everyone comes to read and study!"

The other girl narrowed her eyes at Hermione. "Can you mind your business, you're interrupting us."

She started placing kisses on Y/N's neck but the boy pushed her away.

"Great," the girl snarled at Hermione, "you killed the mood."

Y/N turned to the girl and spoke in a serious tone. "I think you should leave, don't bother trying to talk to me again."

Disappointed, the girl sulked off.

Leaning against the bookshelves, his shirt slightly unbuttoned and his tie hanging loosely from his neck, Y/N smirked at Hermione. "Alright there Granger?"

"Apart from being scarred for life and extremely disgusted, I think I'm good." Hermione replied, before diverting her attention to her book.

"C'mon Granger, at least give me some attention? Not give it all to some stupid book."

And that's when Hermione snapped.

"Really Y/N? You have the audacity to say that? All you ever want is attention! Sleeping with every single girl just to get attention and for what? What do you gain out of it? Using them for your own gain and then getting rid of them the next day like they meant nothing to you? Merlin, why do you have to go and act like you're above all of us? You're not that special, you show the slightest bit of talent on the Quidditch field, your father was a playboy in his time and suddenly you think you're the greatest thing that's ever happened to this school. And to think I liked you...pft."

Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Did you just say you liked me Granger?"

Hermione blushed furiously. "N-no!"

Y/N smirked and before they knew it, their lips were together and they were kissing with intense passion. What happened next...I'm sure you could assume.

The next morning, both of them woke up in Y/N's bed. Y/N had a satisfied smirk on his face as he woke up next to a naked Hermione Granger.

"Good morning princess." he whispered into her ear.

Hermione woke up and everything came back to her. "Oh no, oh no, oh no, this was a mistake."

"How was it a mistake? Because you surely weren't thinking that last night when you were screaming my name." Y/N smirked.

"Because now you're going to just dump me like all your other girls."

Y/N looked at Hermione dead in the eye. "I won't do that to you Hermione. I promise. Everything that I ever done was just to get your attention, because I have liked you, heck, loved you for so long and all I've ever wanted was for us to be together."

Hermione looked at Y/N. "Really?"

"I promise."

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