4. Q and A #1 Response

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Alright we got some questions so I'll count that as a win. Here goes nothing.

Q: I've been wanting to know, what's your writing process? Like how long does it take you to write a chapter, how do you plan it, do you just write the chapter and edit all the grammar mistakes and be done with it? Or is there like a system behind it?

A: Alright, my writing process. I basically alternate the days I work on this book and my main book. On the days I write, I normally refresh myself on the last chapter I wrote before checking with the actual Harry Potter books to see where in the story I am and where I'm up to regarding the story. Then I write the chapter, depending on how many ideas I have and whether I have writer's block or not depends on how fast the chapter takes. I can write up to five chapters a day sometimes if I have ideas or I can only write half a chapter because I have writer's block. Depends on how I'm feeling. Regarding grammar, I normally write the chapter and then proofread before I release the chapter and occasionally when I'm bored I'll proofread the book just to see if there's any mistakes I made. That's really about it.

Q: I have a question, once you're done with Deathly Hallows what comes next?

A: After Deathly Hallows, I'll start working on both a sequel and prequel (not confirmed yet though). The prequel will focus on Steven and Joyce as well as Sirius and Marissa during their time at school and will probably go into Y/N's childhood, the book ending just before Y/N goes to Hogwarts. The sequel will feature everyone's children in the future and focus on the Golden Quartet's journey as parents and focus on their adulthood as well as focus on the story of their children and their journey at Hogwarts. Haven't planned it out properly and haven't even confirmed it but maybe I'll call the prequel 'Legends' and the sequel 'Legacies' I'm not sure yet, if you have ideas let me know.

Q: Ever thought about what you wanna be when you grow up or what you wanna do?

A: I have actually thought about it, since my school wants us all the start thinking about our careers. When I'm older I want to be part of the journalism sector or maybe even something in media. Just something that involves writing because it's something I've been passionate about (thus why I started this account.) So yeah, just something to do with writing.

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