18. Y/N's Childhood

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No spoilers as this is set before Y/N even gets to Hogwarts.

Just a little journey of Y/N's childhood.

Third Person POV

Young Issac L/N heard his parents arrive back home and stormed down the stairs, only to find out that his parents weren't alone.

Issac wasn't fully able to speak yet so he let out a series of excited squeals as he rushed forward to look at the baby that his mum was holding.

"That's Y/N," Steven L/N smiled, "your little brother."

Issac's eyes lit up like it was Christmas. He nodded and excitedly took little Y/N's hand.

"Bwother!" Issac squealed excitedly.


"Where Y/N?" Four year old Issac asked curiously when he looked into Y/N's crib.

Joyce and Steven walked in and looked at their son. "He's here."

They parted ways to reveal Y/N taking his first steps, the younger boy waddled slowly towards Issac before stumbling and falling over. Issac quickly caught his brother and hugged him.

"It's okay." Issac said, smiling at his younger brother who had now made himself quite comfortable hugging Issac.

The two adults stood by the doorway and appreciated and savoured the moment, their two sons were perfect.


"Y/N! Wanna play some chess later?" Ron asked his best friend.

It was Christmas and the L/N's were over at the Weasleys' sharing a delightful Christmas lunch made by Molly Weasley herself.

"But Issac was going to show me how to set off a Dungbomb!" Y/N whined, spending time with Issac was far more interesting than spending time with Ron.

Ron grumbled slightly and stalked off, trying to find Ginny.

"Issac!" Y/N shouted, running around the Burrow looking for his older brother. Eventually he found Issac in the twins' room, all three of them plotting.

"Oh hello Y/N!" Fred said cheerfully.

"You're getting quite tall now." George added.

Y/N stood up proudly. "I'm a big boy now."

"Well, since you're a big boy, you can come join me and the twins." Issac said, beckoning his younger brother towards the trio.

Y/N was ecstatic at the opportunity to join Issac and the twins. For years he had idolised them and watched them play their pranks on everyone else but never was he once actually invited to join in or help them.

In that moment, all his dreams had come true.


Y/N braced himself for impact as he ran towarsd the brick wall. He closed his eyes, expecting to get a very serious head injury but he didn't.

He reopened his eyes and he saw the great Hogwarts Express in all its glory right in front of him.

"No fair!" Y/N complained. "Why does Issac get to go to this fancy school and not me?"

Steven ruffled his sons hair. "Soon buddy, it'll be you soon."

Y/N looked at the train longingly, imaging his adventures at Hogwarts.

"Are you going to write to us?" Y/N asked his older brother.

Issac gave Y/N a side-hug. "Course I am. Every week if you want."

"Of course! I'm going to miss you y'know." Y/N said sadly.

"He'll be back for Christmas." Joyce L/N said to her youngest son.

"Unless I want to stay," Issac said, his father shot him a glare, "which I won't...I'll be back."

Y/N frowned at his older brother. He would have to get used to not having Issac around. It would be weird, Y/N practically relied on Issac whether it would be with school work, Quidditch or games such as Wizards Chess, Y/N rarely let Issac out of his sight.

"It's almost time for you to go honey," Joyce told Issac, "behave yourself."

"Have fun buddy!" Steven said to his son.

Issac smiled and gave both his parents a hug before embracing Y/N. Y/N hugged his brother tightly, not wanting to let go.

Once their hug was over, Issac waved and jogged over to where the Weasley twins were and they all hopped on the train. Once the clock hit eleven o'clock, there was a great whistle and the Hogwarts Express starting moving.

Y/N raced down the side of the tracks and followed the train, waving at his older brother until finally, they were out of sight.

"Two more years." Y/N muttered to himself. "Just two more years..."

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