5. When Hermione First Knew

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This doesn't really have many spoilers, I guess the only spoilers could be from book one, Philosopher's Stone.

Alright so when did Hermione know she liked Y/N? Simple answer. Philosopher's stone. He was the first person to really become her friend and well, she never really had a proper friend. For her, books and academics always took priority but when Y/N became her friend and defended her to Ron, she thought he was perfect.

She liked everything about Y/N, his H/C hair, his E/C eyes that sparkled whenever he was happy and most of all she loved his smile. Very often the boy would be smiling and laughing as well as his friends.

She also liked his personality, he was honest, he was nice, he was caring and he was loyal. He was everything a Gryffindor was, brave and loyal. He would stand up for his friends no matter the situation and no matter the consequences.

She had a tiny crush on him during their first year and from then on, it just grew and grew until she was almost obsessed with him. She wanted to have a future with him and thought he was the one.

Here's a little one shot of the girls' dorm featuring Hermione and her dorm mates talking about the boys in their year.

Also I know in the movies Hermione's dorm mates were Parvarti and Lavender but I'm adding Fay Dunbar from the video games.

Hermione's POV

After changing into my pyjamas, I climbed into bed and snuggled into my duvet. The curtains were open around my bed so I could see every girl in my dorm. There was Lavender Brown, Parvarti Patil and Fay Dunbar. The four of us had gradually became friends during our late night conversations before we went to sleep.

"Alright, so we've been here for about a couple months, time for some boy talk." Lavender squealed excitedly, she had always been infatuated with boys and the idea of having a boyfriend.

"What do you mean boy talk?" asked Parvarti curiously.

"Probably just Lavender ranting on about a random boy for the fifth time this week." Fay said with a chuckle.

"Personally, I don't see the appeal," I said from my bed, "books are better."

"Likely story Hermione, we can literally see you give Y/N the heart eyes all the time." Fay said, chuckling at me.

I blushed slightly, maybe I had a small crush on Y/N but I didn't want to do anything, I was twelve, I wasn't ready for a boyfriend.

"Oh my days," Lavender said with a dreamy sigh, "Y/N is so cute! His eyes are so adorable and I love his smile."

I grimaced slightly, if Lavender wanted Y/N then I stood no chance in the future.

"I think Harry's kind of cute," Parvarti said with a shrug, "he's so famous but he acts so modest."

"Yeah he's cute, but Y/N is hot. I bet he has abs." Lavender said, I could see that she was thinking of Y/N.

Fay was slightly disgusted. "Jeez Lav, you're only eleven and you're saying all this about a guy who's your age!"

Lavender didn't seem to care. "Well I'm just stating the facts."

The conversation went on, Lavender started asking everyone around our dorm their opinions on each Gryffindor in our year. Lavender made us rate each of them and then they would get a score out of fourty. In my opinion, it didn't seem right and seemed quite degrading but Lavender seemed very keen about it.

The final scores came in and they were:
Harry Potter: 35/40
Ron Weasley: 28/40
Y/N L/N: 39/40
Neville Longbottom: 15/40
Dean Thomas: 22/40
Seamus Finnegan: 25/40

I had given Y/N a ten. He deserved it and I was sure most of them (apart from Fay) also gave him a ten.

"Y/N, the obvious winner." Lavender said.

Parvarti giggled. "Calm down Lav, he's Hermione's, not yours."

Fay nodded. "I ship Y/Nmione."

I blushed furiously. "Guys I don't like him like that..."

Lavender believed my obvious lies. "Then I call dibs on him!"

"He's not an object Lavender!" I exclaimed, angry and annoyed at her actions.

"I agree Lav, you need to calm down." Parvarti said.

Sulking, Lavender closed the curtains around her blocked herself from our view.

"Well, I guess it's time to go to sleep." I said, looking at the other two girls.

Both Fay and Parvarti nodded.

"Before we sleep, me and Fay would like to say something." Parvarti said, giving Fay a wink.

The two of them looked at each other before speaking. "Y/Nmione for the win!"

Blushing furiously I buried myself in my duvet but before I fell asleep I had one goal. That was to make sure that Lavender never got a chance with Y/N, however hard she tried.

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