14. Muggle Y/N - Part 3

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No spoilers as this is set in the same AU as the previous chapter.

Y/N and Hermione have been going out for just over a month. Y/N decides to visit Hermione's school and pay Ronald Weasley a little visit.


"You take a train to your school?" I asked in shock.

Me and Hermione were sitting in one of the train compartments, she had asked her Headmaster if I could visit for a day and he agreed.

"Yep," Hermione said happily, taking my hand, "just wait till you see the school Y/N. You'll love it!"

"It's going to put my school to shame." I laughed.

Me and Hermione spent the next couple of hours talking and when we finally arrived, I looked around in awe.

"This is so cool! I exclaimed.

Hermione laughed at me. "Calm down Y/N, this is just the station."

I gasped. If the station looked this cool, what would the school look like?

Walking with Hermione's hands intertwined with mine, we stepped into some carriages that were supposed to take us up to the school.

"What. The. Fuck." I exclaimed when I had reached Hermione's actual school. It was magnificent, Hermione literally went to school in a castle. As I admired her school from the outside, Hermione was reciting a lot of random facts about her school, I wasn't paying much attention.

Once we had gotten inside, we were greeted with a lot of students. They were all coming out from what Hermione called the 'Great Hall'.

"It's lunchtime, that's why they're all here." Hermione explained.

I looked awfully out of place, everyone around me was wearing their fancy school uniform and here I was, in my plain t-shirt and ripped jeans.

"Damn 'Mione, why didn't you tell me to dress smart?" I said. "Everyone's judging me."

"You're not a smart dressing kind of person though aren't you?" Hermione said, looking at me.

She was right. I preferred casual clothing over formal clothing, a hoodie and some jeans were my go-to outfit.

"Come on Y/N!" Hermione said excitedly. "I want to show you my Common Room!"

Walking through the corridors of her school was an exhilarating experience. Everything there was so pristine and clean whereas at my school, you would be lucky if you found something that hadn't been defaced or vandalised.

"Wait, that was just the entrance of the school? But it was fucking massive!" I exclaimed.

Hermione tutted. "Language Y/N! But yes, that was just the entrance of the school. It is pretty big, it took me a while to adjust to it."

"Must be easy to get lost then." I muttered whilst looking at the multiple portraits hanging on the walls.

Once Hermione had shown me her Common Room, we finished the rest of our tour. Everything was almost complete, except from one thing.

Where the fuck was Ronald Weasley?

"So where are you friends?" I innocently asked.

Hermione replied. "Harry and...Ronald are usually by the lacrosse pitches."

"I want to meet this great Harry Potter then," I said, "take me to the lacrosse pitches!"

We arrived shortly after and like Hermione had predicted, Ronald and Harry were together along with some other students playing a quick game of lacrosse.

Ronald Weasley was everything I had expected. A posh, spoiled, good-for-nothing twat. He was wearing a polo shirt and shorts. He was holding his lacrosse bat lazily and looked around idly when he didn't have the ball.

"Fucking hell McLaggen, pass me the fucking ball!" Ronald screamed angrily.

The boy name McLaggen gave Ron and slight glare before unwillingly passing him the ball.

"That's better." Ronald said before taking a big swing and shooting the ball as hard as possible at the goalie, it went in.

"I'm just too good." Ronald said cockily.

"Someone needs to keep your ego in check, it's getting bigger than your head." I commented from the sidelines.

Ronald looked at me.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you around." he said aggressively.

"I'm not here. I'm Hermione's new boyfriend." I replied cooly.

Ron looked at me in shock before turning to Hermione. "New boyfriend? Already? No wonder Lavender calls you a slut..."

"You have no right to speak Ronald!" Hermione said angrily. "You're the one who cheated on me!"

"Whatever," Ron scoffed, "go fuck your peasant boyfriend slut."

That was it for me, I charged forward and tackled Ron and easily got him to the ground. I repeatedly punched him.


There goes his nose.


Must suck to be his jaw.


Something had broken but I wasn't sure what it was. I repeatedly kept on punching him until he laid bloody on the floor, blood streaming out his nose. I stood up and looked coldly down at the pathetic boy.

"That's your lesson for cheating on 'Mione. It's your loss though, you lost the best fucking thing that's ever happened to you."

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