17. The Outcast

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Spoilers from Prisoner of Azkaban.

This is Y/N and Hermione's fifth year. Y/N is the school's outcast for being both the son of Sirius Black (his name was never cleared) and the grandson of Voldemort. Everyone bullies Y/N and instead of fighting back, Y/N takes the abuse. Hermione is the most popular girl in Gryffindor as she is both beautiful and intelligent. She steps in and talks to Y/N for the first time.

Hermione's POV

"Fucking Black scum!"

I turned the corner to see five Gryffindor boys all collectively kicking and hitting Y/N Black. He crumpled onto the ground I could see blood dripping from his face, his robes were bloody and tattered and it seemed like those Gryffindors were going to kill him.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I shouted, rushing over to the five boys. I recognised one of them to be Ronald Weasley.

"Why are you standing up for him?" Ron asked, disgusted. "He's scum and he needs to know his place!"

"Violence isn't the answer!" I replied. "If you kill him, you're going to get expelled."

Ron rolled his eyes before motioning to his four friends and they all left the scene.

"You're better than him, remember that." Ron told me before he turned the corner.

I walked over to Y/N who was clutching his stomach, he let out grunts of pain.

I knelt down before performing different healing spells in order to reduce the blood loss and hopefully take away some of the pain.

"I'm sorry about them...I'll tell them to stop." I said apologetically.

Y/N grimaced. "They'll never stop, I'm used to it to be honest."

Those words broke me. To be used to being beat up and to be used to being on the brink of death was something that someone shouldn't be experiencing.

"Why don't you fight back?" I asked.

"There's five of them and one of me," Y/N said plainly, "I don't stand a chance, and if I fight back that only fuels their hatred and they'll come back and hurt me even more."

Once I had healed the majority of Y/N's wounds, I offered him a hand and he graciously took it. When he stood up he let out a groan, before his knees collapsed and he fell back onto the floor.

"Damn it." Y/N muttered before standing himself up shakily again.

I watched him curiously. His E/C eyes were filled with pain and anger whilst his H/C hair was messy and all over the place.

"Thank you for your help Hermione." he said.

I was shocked. "How do you know my name?"

"You're the most popular girl in our year, of course I know who you are." Y/N replied. "And I'm assuming you know who I am."

I nodded. "Y/N Black. Sirius Black's son and Voldemort's grandson."

"I'd prefer it if you'd called me Y/N L/N." he said quickly.

"Why L/N?" I asked.

"Well, my dad's currently rotting in a jail cell so I live with some other people, my parents. Their surname is L/N." he explained.

I raised my eyebrows. "L/N? As in prankster Issac L/N?"

Y/N nodded. "My older brother, yes."

"Oh," I said, "I didn't know that."

He let out a dry chuckle. "No one does really, most people are too focused on trying to beat the living shit out of me or make my life as hellish as possible. We don't sit down and talk about our families."

I laughed slightly. "You have a fair point.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go." Y/N said.

"Where are you going?" I questioned.

He was silent for a bit. "Well...I normally go to this place to hide from everyone."

"Do you want to show me?"

He looked conflicted for a minute before nodding and proceeding to walk. I followed closely behind him in silence, we finally arrived by the Black Lake. There was no one there and Y/N sat himself down by the trunk of a tree.

"This is your so-called secret place?" I asked.

He shrugged. "It's not that secret, but no one tends to come here."

I sat myself down next to him and watched him admire the lake.

"Do you want to go swimming?" he asked suddenly, out of the blue.

I was extremely confused. "Swimming? But the lake is so cold."

He laughed and took off his shirt, revealing a quite toned torso accompanied with a lot of cuts and scars.

"Y/N what are those-"

I never got to finish my question since he dived head first into the lake. He emerged shortly after, his H/C hair now wet and dripping.

"Perfect," he smiled, "c'mon Hermione, live a little. It's fun."

He playfully splashed me and I let out a little sqeual.

"Y/N!" I said loudly. "I'm wearing my nice clothes!"

He chuckled. "You're a witch Hermione, and a pretty good one might I add, you can easily dry your clothes!"

I rolled my eyes, watching the boy in the lake. Once he realised that I was never going to join him in the lake, he came back out, dried his clothes and put them back on.

"You're boring." he pouted before sitting himself back down by the tree.

"I'm not boring," I said defensively, "just smart."

Y/N smiled. "I suppose, thanks again for helping me. You're a good person Hermione."

I smiled back at him. Y/N Black had a lot more to him than just his troubled family and past.

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