15. Sneaking Into The Library

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No spoilers, it's set in a different timeline.

This is set in the Half-Blood Prince, in a completely different timeline to the actual series. Y/N and Hermione have been together since the fourth year. Y/N has persuaded Hermione to sneak into the library with him after hours.


I smirked as Hermione let out a sigh.

"Fine Y/N, I'll come."

I smiled. "Awesome! It'll be worth it. Think about being able to read all the books you want in the library without anyone distracting you. And the restricted section!"

"We are not going into the restricted section!" Hermione exclaimed.

"C'mon 'Mione! We can take advantage of the library...and the privacy." I added with a wink.

Hermione gasped. "Y/N L/N, I am not going to...to..." Hermione struggled to find the words.

"You're not going to fuck me in the library, on a desk or behind some bookshelves?" I asked cheekily, Hermione went bright red. "Sounds kind of hot."

Hermione whacked me with the book she was currently holding. "Shut up Y/N!"

I winked at her before making my way up to my dorm room. "See you later 'Mione!"

At around nine o'clock that night, I made my way down the boys' dormitory stairs and found Hermione sitting on one of the armchairs. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, her head turned around and she noticed me.

"You're late." she said, looking at the clock.

"By one minute 'Mione," I laughed, "is that really a big deal?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and I made my way to her, after giving her a quick hug and a kiss, I placed Harry's invisibility cloak after us.

"Harry was kind enough to let me borrow this." I said.

Hermione looked at me skeptically. "Or did you steal it?"

I sighed. "Fine, I stole it."

Hermione laughed and once we left the Common Room, everthing was dark and silent. Apart from Prefects and the Head Boy and Girl, all students should've been in bed.

I navigated me and Hermione quickly around the dimly litted corridors and after a good ten minutes, we arrived at our destination.

The Library.

There was a lock on the door but that wasn't a problem.

"Alohamora." I whispered before pushing the library doors open. Once we got inside and I had closed the door, I took Harry's cloak off me and Hermione.

"Wow..." Hermione muttered, looking at all the bookshelves surrounding her.

I chuckled. "Hermione, calm down, this isn't your first time in the library."

"Yeah, but this is my first time here where there's barely anyone here." Hermione replied, looking around in awe.

The next couple hours were spent with Hermione reading as many books as possible and me trying to break into the restricted section. She was sat on a sofa that looked quite comfortable whilst I was edging closer and closer to the restricted section.

"No Y/N!" Hermione scolded. "We're not going in there."

I gave her my best attempt of puppy eyes. "Please Hermione?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Y/N, I've been dating you for almost three years, your puppy eyes don't work on me."

I sighed and moved onto the sofa, closer to her, wrapped an arm around her and moved my lips close to her mouth. "Damn," I whispered, "you're so smart 'Mione."

I could feel Hermione shudder slightly. "Trying to seduce me doesn't work either Y/N."

"Almost did." I said with a smirk. "Are you sure we can't go into the restricted section?"

Hermione shook her head. "Positive."

I groaned and laid down on the sofa, my head on her lap. She would occasionally play with my H/C hair whilst she was reading her book and I would stare at the ceiling, or admire her beauty.

Damn was I lucky.

I don't know how much time had passed but Hermione had stopped paying attention on her books and more on me. I was taken by surprise when Hermione hastily placed down her book and pinned me to the sofa whilst climbing onto me.

She had a smirk on her face as I looked up at her, as she started unbuttoning my shirt, she spoke in a very seductive tone.

"Now...what did you say about me and you in the library again?"

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